Mistletoe - Mikey Madison

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"Thanks for helping me put away the Christmas decorations." You smiled at your best friend, Mikey, who lifted a heavy box off the counter, walking with you to your garage to store it away. "I appreciate you."

"Anytime, Y/N/N." She sighed, setting the box down as she dusted her hands off, wiping the small amount of sweat from her brow. Mikey turned to you, "Anything else?"

"I think there's a couple more boxes in my room." You nodded and led her upstairs. Opening your door, you guided her over to the corner of your room where two boxes were.

"Wow, did you decorate your room too?" Mikey joked, chuckling as you handed her a box.

"Yeah." You smiled, resting your hands on your hips. "I like to go all out for Christmas. My room actually took me two days to decorate but I did start right after thanksgiving."

"Ah, makes sense." Mikey hummed as you handed her the last box. She went back downstairs carefully and set everything in the garage. When she finished she shut the door, making her way back up to your bedroom.

She saw you throwing away the old tinsel that sat on your bathroom counter.

"I can't reach this, Mike, can you grab it for me please?" You asked and Mikey nodded, walking over she grabbed the last piece of tinsel, throwing it away. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth as she leaned against the doorframe. Her eyes wandered around the room before landing on what looked like mistletoe above her head in the bathroom doorframe. "Uh, Y/N?" She called out and you turned your head towards her.

"What?" Mikey pointed upward, you following her gaze as your eyes landed on the mistletoe. "Oh shit, I forgot about that."

"Is this the only one?" She asked, keeping her eyes on it. You shrugged your shoulders, looking at her.

"I don't know." You whispered and Mikey finally looked at you. "You know what mistletoe means, right?"

She slowly started to smile, nodding her head slowly. "Yes..." She trailed off as you wrapped your arms around her neck. "What're you doing?"

"Mistletoe." You mumbled and looked at her the entire time as Mikey wrapped an arm around your waist, she brought you closer, glancing at your lips. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Mikey confirmed and with her consent, you leaned up, placing your lips on hers for a slow, yet very loving kiss. One of your hands went to her cheek, tilting your head slightly to deepen the kiss, you pulled a small moan from Mikey.

"You're a very good kisser, Madison." You complimented, licking your lips after you both pulled away, but not out of each others arms.

"You're not so bad yourself." Mikey winked as she brought you in for another kiss, you didn't hesitate to cup both of her cheeks no, smiling into the kiss as she mindlessly guided you both over to your bed.

Sitting on it, she pulled you to straddle her lap, making you both away a little breathless. "We should do this more often." You mumbled and Mikey eagerly nodded in response as you kissed her again.

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