Chapter 1: Telling Bryony's Family and Friends

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Bryony POV

I was working my shift at the Vic with my dad when my secret boyfriend, Keanu Taylor and his family walked in.  I looked over at my dad to see him going into the back to get some more stock as I waved Keanu and Karen over.  ''Hey, Bry.'' Karen said to me as I smiled. ''Hey.'' I said back.  My mum walked over to me and grabbed my arm once my dad came back.  ''Your dad and I need a word with you.'' She said. I nodded and followed them. ''What's up?'' I asked them with a confused look on my face.  My dad grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. ''Right, we need you to be honest with us. Is there something going on with you and Keanu?'' He asked me as I looked at the floor and nodded with tears in my eyes. ''I'm sorry. We were gonna tell you but we couldn't find the right time to do it. Do you want me to go and get him?'' I asked as they both nodded before Nancy came down the stairs with Ollie. ''Just go and give Ollie to Karen and ask her to watch him while Bryony goes to get Keanu.'' Mum said to her.

 I went to the other side of the pub and grabbed Keanu's hand. ''What's going on?'' He asked. I sighed as I led him round the bar. ''My mum and dad wanna speak to you. Karen can you just hold Ollie for a minute?'' I said leading him round as Karen nodded. I took Keanu over to my parents and before he could ask what was wrong I grabbed his hands once again. ''They know about us. They were getting suspicious so I had to tell them that we were going out.'' She said. Before I knew it my nana Shirley came over. ''You're what?!'' She yelled at me as I hid my face in Keanu's chest when he put his arms around me. I had already told my older brothers as I sent them a text about it. However, Nancy gently pulled me out of Keanu's arms and held me close to her. ''I'm so so happy for you sis. I really am. You deserve him.'' She said before looking at Keanu. ''But if you break her heart then I'll come for you, got it?'' She asked him as he nodded quickly like he was scared. I let out a chuckle as my dad told him the same thing. I hugged my mum gently. ''Have you told your brothers?'' She asked me. I nodded as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and showed her the texts between me and my older brothers Johnny and Lee. 

Now it was time to tell my best friends Lavender and Destiny.

We all made our way back to the bar as Keanu took Ollie from his mum and handed him to Nancy before sitting beside his mum. I turned to my parents. ''Is it alright if once I finish my shift, I have a few drinks with Keanu?'' I asked. My dad nodded. ''But it depends if he's legal.'' He said. Keanu nodded and showed my dad his ID. 'I'm 20 in a week.'' He said. My dad nodded and smiled. ''Well then that's good cause you know my baby's 19 in 3 weeks time.'' He said. I giggled. ''He knows dad, he's gonna take me out for dinner then bring me back here for a few drinks if you and mum are okay with that.'' I said. Mum looked at me and nodded before a smile appeared on her face. ''Bry, look behind you.'' She said. I looked behind me and saw Lavender and Destiny before I ran over to them. ''Oh my gosh. I missed you both so much. I have some news.'' I said smiling. Lavender smiled before looking at me with Destiny. ''Oh my gosh, what is it?'' She asked. I walked over to Keanu and took a hold of his hand before kissing his cheek. They looked at me confused before I let out a small giggle. ''This is my boyfriend Keanu Taylor.'' I said. They both squealed and pulled him into a hug even though they barely knew him. ''We have news too, Bry!'' Destiny said. I looked at them. ''Your mum and dad asked us to work here!'' Lavender said squealing.  I squealed before running behind the bar again and pulling both of my parents into a hug. ''Thank you both so much.' I said. My mum and dad smiled at me. ''That's what parents are for sweetheart.'' My dad said.

My shift soon finished and I was sat with Keanu, Karen, Lavender and Destiny as they didn't start work until tomorrow. Keanu stood up ready to go to the bar. 'What does everyone want?'' He asked. I smiled. ''I'll have a vodka and orange please babe.'' I said. ''I'll have a vodka and coke.'' Lavender said. ''I'll just have an orange juice please.'' Destiny said. ''I'll grab another drink when I've finished this one son.'' Karen said. Keanu nodded and went over to the bar before I stood up and followed him. ''Let me help babe.'' I said. He smiled as my dad made the drinks for us and gave us a tray for the drinks. ''Thanks, dad.''I said as we went back to the table and handed the drinks round. 

Hours had passed and before I knew it I was drunk. My mum came over and looked at me. ''I think you've had enough now, Bryony.'' She said. I shook my head before my dad came over and grabbed my arm. ''Come on, let's get you to bed.'' He said. I shook my head. ''No, I wanna stay with Keanu.'' I said. ''He can stay over if you want.'' He said. I nodded and grabbed Keanu's hand as him and my dad helped me up the stairs and into the bed while my mum grabbed me some pyjamas for Keanu to help me change into. They left the room and Keanu helped me change and tucked me into the bed. ''Go to sleep, I love you.'' He said before looking down at me, seeing me already fast asleep as he kissed my forehead and walked back downstairs to his mum.

That's how I told my parents and best friends I was seeing Keanu Taylor. 

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