Chapter 2: Christmas

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Bryony POV

It was Christmas and mum and dad had let Keanu stay the night and let his family come over during the day but we had also been together for almost 2 years. We were sat down opening presents when Nancy handed me a present from her. I opened it and inside were two necklaces that sad 'big sis' and 'lil sis' on them.  

Mum then came handed me a gift that she was really excited for me to have

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Mum then came handed me a gift that she was really excited for me to have. I opened it and inside was a message from mum that was carved on a heart shaped piece of wood. 

Dad handed me a present that I had my suspicions was a mug but he was super excited to give me it so I still opened it and I was right it was a mug

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Dad handed me a present that I had my suspicions was a mug but he was super excited to give me it so I still opened it and I was right it was a mug. 

I read the little message that was engraved on it and I burst into tears and hugged him

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I read the little message that was engraved on it and I burst into tears and hugged him. I had him as close to me as possible and cried on his shoulder as he rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. ''I love you so much dad.'' I whispered. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead again. ''I love you too.'' He whispered.  Nana Shirley then handed me a present from her. I opened it and there was necklace with a little message on the frame it was on. I kept crying as I hugged her. ''Thank you nana.'' I said. 

Finally, it was time for Keanu to give me the gift from him

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Finally, it was time for Keanu to give me the gift from him. He handed it to me as I kissed his cheek before opening it. I looked at it and saw that it was a crystal heart with a message engraved into it. 

Before I could read the message, Keanu's family arrived and saw the gift he got me as they all awed

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Before I could read the message, Keanu's family arrived and saw the gift he got me as they all awed. I read the little messaged as I began to cry when he placed the gift on the table and pulled me into a hug. ''I love you so much Bry.'' He whispered into my ear. ''I love you too, Keanu.'' I whispered back before Bernadette and Nancy took me into my room. ''What's going on?'' I asked them when they wouldn't answer me. 

Soon, dad came to get me as he placed a blindfold on me and lead me back into the living room. Little did I know was that Keanu was behind me as dad stood in front of me and took the blindfold off of me. ''Turn around, darling.'' He said as I turned around and saw Keanu behind me on one knee. I gasped as I covered my mouth with tears in my eyes. Keanu smiled up at me as he began to talk. ''Bryony, we have been dating for a little over a year and I can't imagine being without you. When I think of the future, I like to picture us as two trees planted side-by-side, our roots growing together more firmly as the years go by, and our children sprouting like seedlings around us. When I met you, I knew I'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How it turns out is all in your hands. Let all my happiness be yours, and all your sorrow be mine. Let the entire world be yours, and only you be mine! I cannot imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.'' He said before pulling a box out of his pocket and revealing the most GORGEOUS ring that I have ever seen. ''So Bryony Grace Carter, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?'' He asked as I nodded my head with tears spilling out of my eyes.

''YES!'' I yelled as he put the ring on my finger before standing up and kissing me softly. Bernadette, Keegan and Karen all rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug. ''You're gonna be my sister in law!'' Bernie squealed quietly. I smiled as I hugged my whole family as they congratulated us. I was so excited to finally be engaged to my soulmate. After a while, we finished opening the rest of the presents when it was down to Keanu's final present from me. He opened it to see a positive pregnancy test, a babygrow that said ''Hi daddy'' and a ultrsound picture.

 He opened it to see a positive pregnancy test, a babygrow that said ''Hi daddy'' and a ultrsound picture

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He held me close and cried into my shoulder. ''Are you really pregnant?'' He asked. I nodded and kissed his cheek. ''That's why I haven't been drinking even my mum and dad didn't realise that I haven't been drinking. Now, they know it's because I'm carrying their grandchild.'' I said before giggling and hugging my parents as Keanu hugged Karen.  Nancy smiled. ''It was only me that knew that Bryony was pregnant because I went to the scan with her.'' She said. I smiled and nodded. ''I wanted to wait until Christmas to tell you all cause I only found out 3 weeks ago and I'm 7 weeks gone now.'' I said as they all nodded and took it in turns to look at the ultrasound picture.

This day just got even better, getting engaged and finally telling Keanu and the rest of our families that I'm pregnant.  I couldn't be ore happier than I am.

The Ring: 

The Ring: 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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