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"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N YOU FROZE" LJ says turning his body towards me in the backseat of the car.

"I can't do this shit no more man" I say breaking down

"What the fuck you mean you can't do it nomore" LJ says getting gettin more and more irritated and aggressive.

"I never told you about my life before Memphis and I probably just did that same exact thing to that kid in there" I say sorta kinda hyperventilating and starting to get that guilt like when you start to feel disappointed with yourself and feeling disgusted. 

At the house
Ari's POV

Y/n walks in the house visibly upset about something. While walking up the stairs to wherever she's going. LJ comes in the house Mad as hell and I mean slamming shit he broke a fucking glass and just got another and left the glass every damn where on the floor.

"What the fuck wrong wit y'all" Kiara says breaking the tension in the air I mean you could cut a piece of air out that mf. 

"Me and yo sister went to Handle some things and in mist of handling it she fucking froze and then had the nerve to pull some bullshit excuse to excuse it" He says sitting at the bar while drinking a shot of whiskey.

"Well what did y'all do?" Kiara says asking the questions that I wanna know.

"We went and talked to Ari's Ex about the shi he said on the net" He says slamming the cup on the counter and getting up walking over to us. 

"So y'all did something illegal ?" I say genuinely confused on what the fuck he means "talked to my ex".

"Some like that" He says changing the TV to YouTube and Turing on 85South like who the fuck actually sits down and watches it.

"Do you know why she froze?" Kiara says to him

"Hell no and I don't give a fuck why she froze actually I'm finna start looking for a new spot I'm not staying here" He says Turing back towards the TV and Turing it up I guess not wanting to talk to us anymore.

Me and Kiara get up to go find Y/n. I check her room and the bathroom while Kiara checks the rest of the upstairs. 

I find her sitting in the shower literally scrubbing herself red like she's disgusted with herself or something.

"Y/n what the fuck" I say pulling her out the shower and wrapping her in a towel. She doesn't respond to me she's just sitting on the toilet seat looking at the wall.

"Y/n what happened? Can you at least talk to me" I ask her cause why is he so mad and what made you freeze.

"Can you just cuddle me" She says pulling me towards her and hold me tightly. Kiara walks into the bathroom and starts to rub Y/ns back making her break down and squeeze me harder than before.

"Y/n What happened" Kiara says wiping y/ns face with her hand.

"I almost shot him in front of a kid man WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME" She say literally just sobbing

"Yea you're not staying down here" Kiara says walking out of the room dialing somebody on her phone.

"Wait no Kiara I'm good it's just one of those days" She says tryna stop Kiara from calling whoever she's calling

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