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Just what exactly is going on..?

Taylor and Aiden where there in the phantom world with me, does that mean Logan, Ben and Tyler were there too?

Speaking of them, they just showed up. Aiden let go of my hand as soon as they came in view.

I Wonder why he held it in the first place..

Tyler looked tired, very tired, so did the others.

"Hey, we came as fast as we could.." Logan huffed out, catching his breath from running.

"So what happened?" Tyler spoke straightforward, not wanting to talk further.

"We got sent to the phantom world after interacting with a piece of paper."  

"How???" He questioned back.

Ughh, this is all giving me a headache.

I put my finger on my temple, rubbing it slightly to ease the throbbing headache.

It was an awkward silence, waiting for one to speak up.

Tyler yelled, bursting my eardrums "We need to go back to savannah!!"

Just how many times have we had this talk already?

5 times? maybe 6? I've lost count of it already.

"For the last time, if we go back to savannah, we might get permanently stuck"

" We have to go back! what if  we find a solution to this!?"

"And just how are you planning on telling our parents?"

That seemed to quiet him down for a while.

He grabbed Taylors hand and stormed out of the café, mumbling a few insignificant words.

"What do you plan to do now?"  Aiden's voice chimed in.

I shrug, not in the mood to speak.

He takes a hold of my hand again, rubbing circles on my skin.

It felt nice.

It's calming...

I looked out the window. The sky was cloudy, it was going to rain soon. 

I should get going. Mom and dad are going to get worried if I show up all wet and late.

I stood up to excuse myself and leave, letting go of Aiden's hand in the process. 

"I should get going." I told the others who were seated. Logan and Ben took over Taylors sofa seat when she left.

"I'll walk you out"

"No, thank you"

"I insist."

And that's how I'm alone outside with Aiden.

How wonderful...

"So... How's everything...going?"

He started an awkward conversation.

I just want to go home!

"Good." I replied back dryly, not wanting to continue the conversation any longer.

My head is killing me!

"Can I walk you home?"

Aiyaa, I just want to go home. Alone.

"Sure" I spoke in a monotone voice.

I started walking down the pathway to my house. It was the one with a green roof and a school bus graveyard behind it.

As my house started coming in view, Aiden started a conversation.

"Soo, How's everything going?" He asked hesitantly.

Didn't he already ask that?

Eh, whatever.


"Ah...That's nice to hear.."

The conversation ended there, No one spoke up after that.

Ah, there's my house!

I ran up ahead leaving behind a puzzled and confused Aiden. But soon enough, he started running behind me too, more like jogging though.

I was greeted by the front door and the delicate smell of freshly bakes apple pie.

Aiden followed behind and stood near the stairs.

I rang the door bell and waited patiently outside for my mother to open the door.

I turned around to see Aiden still standing there awkwardly.

"You can go now, Thank you for dropping me home" 

"...You're welcome"


"would you like to accompany me...at the cafe next weekend?"

Well that caught me off guard. Cafe? Next week?

I don't have anything significant going on next week and I'd rather go out than stay cramped in my room.

"Sure, text me the timing"

"Thank you.."


The door opened. My mother was standing there with a bright smile on her face stained with flour. 

"Oh? You're back early!"

"Yes mom, I just had to meet up with Taylor"

"Oh? and who's that behind you?"

"A friend of mine.. i guess?"

I turned to look back at him, hinting him to leave already. I know my mom will invite him in and I don't want that.

"I'll go then, Bye Ash!"

"Bye Aiden"

He passed the potted plants and left.

I brushed past my mother and went straight into my room and collapse on my bed.


We're gonna meet back in the phantom world for sure.

But for now... I just need some good apple pie and a good night's rest... not like I'll get any.

(Word: 682)

Oh dang. this took a while.

So sorry for the wait.

This chapter is small and im gonna work on a bigger one but i hope yall enjoy this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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