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At the restaurant that Ichigo had taken Kumo to, they began talking about Kumo's time away.

"So...," Ichigo started, "why did were you away again?"

Popping a fry into his mouth, Kumo answered, "Well, my pops got hired for some big company in the States, and he wanted to us to live out there for a while. It was nice but...just not like home, you know?"

Ichigo nodded his head. "Yeah, I guess. So uh...why'd you come back?"

"Well, I ended up getting getting homesick, so when we had enough money, me and my mom decided to come back and she decided to start up her own business.. it actually wasn't too long ago that we back."

Ichigo raised his eyebrows, nodding.

"I did you get your powers? They're not like anything I've seen."

Kumo rested a finger underneath his chin. "You know...I'm not exactly sure. My mom used to tell me stories about her being attacked by a spider monster or something like that. I don't know if that has anything to do with how my powers came, but I've been obsessed with spiders since then. I even have a pet tarantula named Araña. Pretty unoriginal if I say so myself."

Ichigo nodded his head, looking at Kumo.

"Yeah...I guess so." He paused for a moment before speaking up again. "You said you wanted to train your powers out more right?. I can take you to an old shop that we used to go to for training. It's actually not That far from here."

Kumo looked at Ichigo with a toothy grin.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it."

Ichigo waved Kumo off, shaking his head.

"It's no big big deal, really. Just helping out a friend."

After talking a bit more and finishing their food, Ichigo led Kumo to Urahara's shop. Upon reaching the place, Kumo looked at the seemingly run down candy shop with a feeling of uncertainty.

"You sure this is the place? Feels like something died in here."

Ichigo laughed dryly, scratching his head.

"You know, you're not entirely wrong..."

Kumo looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow. What did he mean he wasn't "entirely wrong"?

"You know, I'm not gonna question it. But why this old place. Seriously, it looks like it could be a front for some drug dealers."

Ichigo sighed and gestures for Kumo to follow him.

"Just follow me. Trust me on this, this will be a better place to train than some old warehouse."

"If you say so," Kumo said, shrugging his shoulders.

Upon entering the building, they saw four people inside, two being kids and the other two adult men. One of the men who was wearing a striped hat looked at them enter, a sly smile on his face.

"Well, well, well, Ichigo. Haven't seen you in a while." He turned his attention towards Kumo, studying him. "May I ask, who is this?"

"Yeah, I know, Kisuke. And this is my friend, Kumo."

Kumo gave a small wave. "Hey, the names Kumo. Kumo Shutara. Nice to meet you."

Both Kisuke and the other man, who had braids and a pair of glasses gained a surprised look on their faces, but quickly hid it.

Clearing his throat, Kisuke covered his mouth with a foldable fan.

"Well well, Mr. Shutara. What business would you have with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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