it's hurting

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Now a days everything is going worse
It's like someone give as any curse

I won't say iam enjoying
Iam trying to survive
As I want to stay alive

People around me are judging my dad
But now a days he is feeling sad

I know he is guilty and now I will support him

Even though our life is ruined
But atleast he didn't run away like a coward

Akiva- mumma whyyy father is not going with meeeee

Pearl - he is busy baby

Akiva- I don't think so  *pouts*

Richard- you can shop from here baby ,why you want to go to another city for shopping ,I will buy any of the dress you want

Akiva- but you promised me

Richard - iam sorry baby ,try to understand I can't go there with you and mom

Akiva- hm okay

Akiva looked at the calender in which she circled the date 22 January ,Akiva wants to cry but she shrugged it as she don't want to look weak infront of her parents and made them sad

Akiva went to bathroom and starts crying while turning on the tap ,she cried for good 5 minutes and came out after washing her face ,but what our parents are for they know she cried

Richard - baccha come here

Akiva- yes dad

Richard- did you cried *caressed her face*

Akiva- no I didn't

Pearl- we can see

Akiva looked down and again her tears run down ,what can you say to a 10 year old kiddo ,Richard hugged her while  whispering smooth words to her , making her understand everything

This girl was enduring everything silently ,its like her childhood was becoming a childhood trauma

Children's in her age wish to stay as a kid so that they can enjoy freely and happily but she used to wish  to turn in to elder so that she can get a job and starts helping her mom and  dad

Ish- I wish we could stay as a child so that we can enjoy our life like this , playing all day and night

Akiva- no I want to become big ,i want to get a job and take care of my life's problem

Ish- oh come on don't be this mature ,enjoy your life

Akiva- iam

As the days went quite good ,after few years more ,Richard went to pearls sisters house (uri)

Pearls father in law and one of richard brother were sitting in a room and Akiva is there playing with a round chair , moving here and there and pearl is sitting with them and that was the time

Govi said something which hurt Akiva and pearl so much

Govi-  you have to marry Akiva in some poor and low standard house after 2 years as she is looking so big even when she is just mere 15 *chuckles* her father did bad deed so now no one will marry her in our cast ,as you know they won't marry someone's daughter who have two houses

Akiva looked at him like her world crashed and it's like sprinkling petrol in her wound when her grandfather laughed at his statement ,Akiva felts like she will die right here by their world's as she thought them as her family ,she never thought bad for them but today they just showed who they are Akiva shrugged it as she knows this is not a place to cry ,she just looked at her mother who is burning in fire

Pearl- i will find someone for my daughter when it will be a age for her to marry ,you should worry about your daughter

It was the day of Wednesday ,i went to one of my brother and hugged him while crying hard and telling him about everything , I love  him as more than anything ,mom is also crying while telling how he can say this and hurt me when my husband is not around

Iky- don't cry my sister ,I will take you with me and I will help you in getting job ,no one can fix your marriage your brother is here no one can hurt you don't cry ,wipe your tears we can't cry for those cowards hm

Akiva nodded and wiped her tears and smiles at him when he tickle her to make her laugh

Note this it was the Wednesday when that govi insulted the mother and daughter ,they keep themselves slient but their heart's were crying

Akiva just went to god's temple and said to them

Akiva- god did you see ,how this family is treating me , I don't want to live this way , I always wish to have a simple life but why God ,why with me you are doing this I want to live a simple and happy life God

Meanwhile pearl who is crying in her room while thinking how she can't even protect her daughter from this bullying

Pearl - did you saw? How my daughter got bullied by this family and still you are silent ,you  are silent god please do justice not to me but atleast to my daughter ,you ruined my life but I didn't say anything cause maybe it's karma for me ,but please don't do this to my daughter ,she is too innocent for this bullying and all things ,it hurts her ,it will kill her innocence ,it will  kill her innocence you are making her a demon ,she will turn into something I never wish for, Godddd she will cut her whole ties from this family ,she will starts living her own life in her own way ,she won't try to fit in this family God. ,I know my daughter well please don't do this

She cried ,she cried infront of her life giver ,she cried her heart out and then again starts smiles facing this life with bravery ,she never give other's a  reason to find out that she is sad because of their words or she never let them think  they are capable enough to hurt her ......

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