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🌼🌼🌼 Aleena 🌼🌼🌼

It's been a few days of my stay here and my conversation to that rude handsome jerk. But his words and actions are confusing me like the colors of kaleidoscope.

I know I shouldn't feel disappointed with his lack of attention. He doesn't owe me any conversation. But I wish he could have talked to me, at least a smile would have been better but he just ignored me after behaving like my night shining in the armor.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I stood up from my bed and opened the door to meet the most unexpected person standing outside. What is she doing here?

“May I come inside?” she ask in here usual tone.

“Jee?” I asked suddenly too confused of her turning up at my door unexpectedly might I add.

“I want to talk to you about something important.” she informed watching my confusion.

“Please come inside you could have called me.” I offered politely.

“I hate to talk in circles and by the looks of it you seem to confused to me right now. Do you have anyone in your life for the prospect of marriage.” she started and I kept nodding like a child until her questions which shook me. Composition myself I still replied.

“No aunty.” tucking my hairs behind my ear. I don't know why this woman intimidate me so much.

“Mere bete se shadi krogi? ”  asked Mumtaz aunty making me look at her with wide eyes. What the... Why is she asking me that
(will you marry my son?)

“As in Mr Khan?” I asked still not sure if I hear her correctly or not.

“I think you need some time to think about it. I'll be waiting for you answer.” she spoke separating my hands. Just then I noticed I was picking the skin around my nails.

She stood up and I dared to ask.

“Why me?” my voice came out meek I still dared to meet her eyes. Her eyes soften a little.

“Because my son wants it and I never refused him anything.”

“But what about you? And what if I am not right for him? ”

“I am happy as long as he is happy. And answer to your next question is the moment I feel you are  not right for him it will be me against you. ” there was a warning in her words but I didn't felt afraid I feel the warmth behind her words. And then I smiled at her. Which surprisingly she returned.

She left filling my mind with questions and I know who do I need to meet for the answers.
I stood up and dressed in a black long skirt and a white shirt tucked inside it pairing it with silver hoops and chain with an infinity sign set on the base of my throat. Finishing my looks with a pony tail with few tendrils framing my face. I put on some platform velvet heels. I think I am very kuch ready to face him now.


Knocking on his office door I hear a husky ‘come in’.

He only looked up once and started working again like he isn't even surprised even a bit with my presence here. And he wants to marry me whom she didn't even glance properly.

“By your warm welcome I assume you were expecting me to come here.” I muttered sarcastically and welcome myself in to sit in front of him on the visiting chair.

“So it's a yes for the marriage.” he asked still avoiding eye contact from me. Cocky much.

“Of course can't you see I am dying to marry you?”  at my response he looked up finally and settling his work aside he gave me his undivided attention. Well that's what I wanted since the moment I stepped inside his office Hut now it seems a bad idea. Why his gaze is so intense?

When he didn't said anything I started again“How can you be so delusional to think that I will marry you?”

With a sigh he replied sitting lazily on his chair eyes still set on me. “Well you can get you parents property safely back and the stunt you pulled by showing yourself to Furkan Qureshi can easily get you killed which by marring me you can....”

“It's all about me. What exactly are you getting from all this? ” cutting his heroic speech I asked him the question that was bugging me since I got to know about his wish of marring me.

“You.” he replied almost immediately.

My mouth open and close like a fish but I couldn't get a single word out of my mouth.

“Look Aleena.....”  my name for the first time from his mouth did something to me and I stood up hastily yelling out a no and turning away to move out.

But before I could open the door to get out he swift turned me around with his hands encircled around my waist. My hands automatically fall on his chest and a gasp escaped my lips. This is a scandalous position. My heart beat picked up it's pace clearly effected by his close proximity.

“wha-tt aa-re yo-u do-ing?” I stutter out.

His one hand rubbed my back to calm me down a little. Getting my breathing back I started again.  “ I am not something you want and you can get.  I am a human. You can't just fall in love with me in these few days when you didn't even pay me any heed. I don't understand all this.” I blabber whatever came into my mind and he listened quietly giving me time to process everything.

“I am not in love with you. It will happen gradually anyway. But I know I want you.” he said calmly pressing on‘you’.  And did my heart did a flip.

A knock interrupt our conversation. And he spoke ‘come in’ standing beside me still too close.
A beautiful, sweet looking girl definitely younger than me enters the office and he let go my waist completely to welcome her in his embrace.

His voice broke me out of my thoughts when he introduced us making my jaw dropped.“ Aleena meet Rida she is like a younger sister to me. And Rida meet your bhabhi.”

When did I say yes to his proposal that he is oh so confidently introducing me to his pals like I am already his wife.

Before I could say something the girls eyes gleamed up at me squealing a loud allhamdulillah she took me in a bear hug.  Patting her back awkwardly from the happenings I meet the devils gaze who winked at me which made me glare at him.

I realize now that since I met him I am glaring alot and this is so out of my character.

Parting from the hug I passed a small smile to Rida who soon jumped up and down out of excitement. “Finally I thought you will die alone. I am so happy for you bhai. When are you too getting married?”

“Whenever she is ready? ” he spoke pointing at me making her look at me with her hopeful big eyes which had me melting immediately. But  composing myself I spoke smiling at him making him smirk“I am hungry. What about you order some lunch for us and we discuss this later.” And the rest of the day spent with me hearing his praises from Rida.

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