Chapter Four

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                          Part 4: The Bullying

Soobin and Yeonjun hit it off right away. They spent the entire date laughing and talking about their lives.

Soobin felt like he had finally found someone who accepted him for who he was. He and Yeonjun texted each other regularly and soon became close friends.

But as Soobin grew closer to Yeonjun, the bullying at school only seemed to get worse. The other students jeered at him and called him names like "pig boy" and "ugly monster." They would try to trip him in the hallways and spill his lunch on him.

Soobin couldn't understand why they were targeting him specifically. All he wanted was to be left alone.

One day, Soobin was walking to class and noticed a group of the other students whispering to each other and pointing at him. He tried to ignore them, but their words were too loud.

He overheard them talking about him and how Yeonjun was only being friendly with him because he felt sorry for him.

Beomgyu: "Can you believe that hideous guy thinks he can actually make friends? He's so delusional."

Huening: "I feel bad for Yeonjun, having to hang out with him all the time. She's too nice for her own good."

Soobin's heart sank as he listened to their words. He couldn't believe the other students were talking about him like that. He felt like he was back to square one, with no friends and no one to talk to.

But despite the bullying, Soobin refused to give up. He knew that Yeonjun truly cared about him, and he wasn't going to let the other students get in the way of their friendship.

He resolved to stand up for himself and not let the bullying get to him. And with Yeonjun by his side, he knew he could make it through anything.

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