Christmas-Special 2022:

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1 -> Y/N returning in her ghost form to cheer Bonten up
2 -> Human Y/N celebrating Christmas with Bonten (spoilers for book 2?)

"Merry Christmas!", Y/N cheered as she jumped onto Mikey's bed.

This action ended up waking the man up as he shot up, immediately grabbing the gun underneath his pillow and pointing it at the girl's forehead who simply giggled.

Mikey of course lowered his gun and ditched it onto his bedside table as he took a deep breath, "For the last fucking time Y/N! Don't just scare me like that out of my sleep. I swear I'm gonna accidentally kill you, and then it'll be another nerve-recking time to find your next reincarnation again."

The girl simply giggled as she hugged Mikey, "But look! It's snowing and it's Christmas!"

Manjiro Sano sighed and returned the hug as he nodded, "So what do you wanna do today? The presents won't be opened until tonight."

To this the girl pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest, to this action Mikey chuckled as he ruffled the girl's platinum-blonde hair that has a light pink under-layer dyed. She had wished her hair to be dyed for her birthday, and happily Mikey obliged.

"But let's eat first, 'kay?", Mikey asked with a little smile to which the girl happily nodded and got up from the bed, but before leaving Mikey called out for her, "Oh and Y/N, why don't you be so friendly and wake the other's up like you woke me up. Especially Sanzu."

A little mischievous glimmer in his eyes which Y/N returned with a devilish grin (Alastor style) and nodded before giving Mikey a quick peck onto his cheek and leaving the leader's room, going to give Sanzu the scare of his lifetime.

From her time as a ghost she still knew a few good ways to scare the living hell out of people, especially people like Sanzu.

As Mikey was sitting at the breakfast table, Kakucho had already cooked and prepared food for everyone, the Haitanis' sitting at the table with tired eyes, Takeomi reading the newspaper and Mocchi taking care of some business on his phone, Koko once again going through financial paper-work while eating and drinking his black coffee without sugar.

That peace was until they heard a loud scream followed by feminine giggled as Y/N soon later run out of Sanzu's bedroom, hiding behind Kakucho as a tired but mad Sanzu chased after her.

"You little devil!", he exclaimed as he rubbed his eye, before slightly touching his aching ear.

Y/N simply giggled as Kakucho smiled slightly, "What did ya' do this time?"

"Mikey told me to wake Sanzu up, but not how", a little grin followed as Sanzu got scared at the look Mikey gave him.

"Sometimes I wish you were still an annoying ghost so I could shoot you!", Sanzu said as he chocked the air to which the girl continued giggling.

"Y/N, apologize to Haruchiyo. Haruchiyo be nice to Y/N", Takeomi said, his big brother side showing as both pink-heads looked down.

Y/N was first to speak up, "Sorry that you're so easy to scare."

Sanzu nodded, "Sorry that you're still alive and I can't kill you."

"Good enough", Takeomi said before taking a sip of his coffee, he knew exactly this was the closest to an apology he'd get the two to.

Rindo chuckled a bit, "What you wanna do today my little orchid?"

Y/N looked at him, going to give Rindo his morning hug as she decided to sit down on his lap sideways as she looked up at the man who simply draped one arm over the girl's body as he gave her a little head-pat.

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