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1: Mikey and Y/N get into an argument and he imagines the worst things happening in the future (like in the Buddy Daddies episode)

2: Excerpts from Y/N's diary as she grows older with the entrees getting more and more concerning

3: A fantasy AU for this story



"You heard me young lady. To your room and when you come back down I don't want to hear anything else about this nonsense."


"No buts. To your room before I stop being nice."

Mikey's tone left no room for debate.

That was a downside of having a Gang Leader as your father, when he switched to his 'Boss-voice' there was no room for talkback of any kind.

Y/N huffed as she had her fists balled and by her sides as she pushed them down while puffing, scrunching her eyebrows together before glaring at Mikey.

"You're totally mean!"

"I'm literally a criminal. What did you expect? Flowers and home-made cookies?"

"I... I hate you! You're not my dad!"

With that Y/N stormed off to her room, slamming her door so that even a few paintings and photos fell off their hooks form the walls.

"Did- Did I just hear her words right?", Mikey asked as he turned to the other executives who had all stopped what they were doing to listen to their argument.

"Seems like it", Sanzu muttered with wide eyes, totally shocked of what just happened.

"That's a teenage girl for ya'", Takeomi spoke as he took a puff from his cigar before exhaling and glancing at Mikey who was looking at his hands, the younger man was still in total shock of what Y/N just told him.

'I hate you! You're not my dad!'

"Don't sweat it Mikey. All Teenage girls are like that. She'll get over it by the time we have dinner."

"Why are you so sure of that?", Ran asked the oldest man after taking a sip from his beer.

"I raised one myself."

"You have a daughter?", most members asked in union, even Sanzu.

"No you fucking donkeys! Senju!"


"Haruchiyo! She's your damn sister!", Takeomi scolded his younger brother who huffed, "Sorry! Not like her and I ever had a sibling-bond!"

"She's still your sister!"

"She's dead."

"Still my little sister!", Takeomi groaned at the idiocy of the present members before looking at Mikey who was now standing in the kitchen.

"As said before Mikey. Don't worry 'bout it. Nothing will happ-"

"I am sorry to interrupt", a meek little maid spoke up, she had come from Y/N's bedroom.

"Did something happen? Is my angel alright?", Mikey asked worriedly to which the maid looked down.

She did feel bad for Mikey.

"The Young lady Y/N has asked me to let you know that she will not be joining you gentlemen for dinner tonight, or for anytime soon."

Mikey looked at Takeomi who pressed his lips into a thin lip.

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