Part 3

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Lucy's pov
i got super dizzy getting out of the truck and almost collapsed until tim caught me
Tim - lucy are u ok?
Lucy - um yea i think so

i could see the worry on tim's face he dosent let go of my waist the whole way up when we get into my apartment he says
Tim - luce sit down imma get you some water
(he's been to my apartment before so he knows where stuff is)
Lucy - tim i'm fine
Tim - lucy you almost passed out you can't seriously say you feel fine

I sit down cause he's right i don't feel fine
he comes over with a glass of water and squats down infront of me her hands on my knees
Tim - luce are you sure your ok
Lucy - tim i'm fine i'm sure it was nothing
he gets up and feels my forhead
Lucy - tim i'm not sick

Tim - when's the last time you ate
Lucy - i ate dinner last night
Tim - ok maybe you need to eat
Lucy - tim i told you i'm fine

i stand up and go to my room as i stand up he grabs my arm i just let him there's not stopping him now he sits on my bed and i walk up to him and put my hands on his shoulders

Lucy - tim i am ok i promise-
Tim - dose that happen a lot-
Lucy - sometimes -
Tim - lucy what why didn't you say something-
Lucy - cause it dosent happen often and it's usually during or after panic attacks-
i say the panic attacks part kinda quiet cause i've never told him about them

He pulls me to sit next to him my legs over his
Tim - lucy you didn't tell me you get panic attacks-   i stand up again cause i hate talking about them and if i have to look at the pity on his face a may cry but he grabs my wrist and sits me back down
lucy - i mean yea i get them sometimes-

i play with my ring not wanting to look him in the eyes of course it's time so he tilts my chin up to look at him
Tim - luce how often do you get them-
Lucy- depends on the week-
Tim - lucy why won't you look at me

i finally break i stand up
Lucy - because tim i can't stand to see the pity in your eyes and i really don't wanna cry right now i've already ruined your day enough-

All of a sudden i feels his arms rap around me and i break i start sobbing into his chest
Lucy - i'm sorry tim i'm so sorry-
-i say through tears
Tim - lucy you have not ruined my day i don't care what we're doing as long as we're together and i would much rather you cry in my arms then cry alone princess you don't have to do this all alone anymore i'm here-

I wrap my arms around him and sob i fall to the ground and falls with me he holds me for what feels like forever i feel him lift me off the floor
Tim - luce do you wanna go back to mine and have a movie night i think some kojo cuddle may help
Lucy - yes can i maybe stay over again tamara left for college and i hate being alone it makes everything worse-

Tim - of course princess pack some stuff you can stay with me as long as you want to -
when he calls me princess i get butterflies like i'm a teenager again
i go and pack several bags knowing i don't wanna come back here anytime soon

tim carry's my bags down and makes me wait up here cause he still dosent trust that i'm ok he holds my hand the whole way down
Tim - why don't we go grocery shopping i know i won't have any of the stuff you like-
Lucy - ok

once we get in the truck tim seems nervous
Lucy - are u ok you seem like something's bothering you-
Tim - lucy i wanted to make a thing of it but i can't wait will you be my girlfriend-
Lucy - yes of course i will -

i could tell something else was bothering him and that he was still worried about me i held his hand
Lucy - Tim i'm ok i promise-
he gives my hand a squeeze i don't think he believes me but it settles his nerves a little

When we're in the grocery store we get me a bunch of stuff to keep at his and my favorite snacks i'm still hungover from last night and my head is pounding

Tim - are u ok lu?- i lean against the shopping cart -lucy-my head is pounding-
Tim - you hungover?-
Lucy - yea why did you let me drink so much-

we both laugh and tim grabs some medicine for me we get stuff for lunch and dinner and head back to tim's

while we're putting the groceries away i get super dizzy again as much as i try to hide it tim notices
My vision goes blurry and i collapse

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