1. "Not Again...."

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It was a normal and ordinary day, but as for someone, it kinda isn't.

Nonsense, who just fixed his wall, was exausted for having to deal with this whenever there was something or someone that breaks it for..... fun? Either way, he never found the joke about having to break his wall.

He was laying on his sofa, looking at his roof.

N: "God, when will this stop.... and it is was all because of that stupid-"


As expected.

He wasn't surprised at this point, he let out a loud but short sigh.

N: "How many times i need to say this, THERE IS A GODDAMN DOOR ON THE-"

N: "How many times i need to say this, THERE IS A GODDAMN DOOR ON THE-"

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B: "Sup, dickhead."

On the broken wall he saw a white marshmellow-like blob, a humanoid folder and a little creature that was probably smaller than an popcorn.

N: "What the-"

B: "Leave the questions for later, the name's Bob, They/Them by the way, and these two idiots along side me are Ron and Little Man, we're here to invade your personal privacy, and you'll have to deal with it."

Normally it was that certain blue-haired teenager and its partner who broke info his house, but this was new.

N: "...Ok? It's not my first dealing with this anyways."

R: "Well except for the fact that we'll have to live together now. :)"

N: "..."

R: "You heard me well, big boy."

"Live together...?" He thought, he indeed was confused.

N: "Ok, first of all, how did you know that, second of all, WHY exactly?"

R: "1. I forgot, lol, 2. Uhhhhh........"


B: "This is stupid, why do we have to do this?"

R: "Oh c'mon dude! I know what i'm doing, i'm a cooking master. B)"

B: "I mean.... if you say so..."

5 Minutes Later...

The house was completely on fire, the trio did nothing but stare.


R: "...I forgot to turn the stove off. :)"


End Of Flashback

N: "...Metal."

R: "I know. ;]"

B: "Now that you know the context behind this, we'll stay until someone actually bothers to call the firefighters."

N: "Woah Woah Woah, hold on there, don't you guys this is way all of the sudden? Can't you guys like, rent a new house or something?"

LM: "All of the houses left are rented already, dumbass."

N: "Oh, welp, i guess i have no choice." He'd sighed.

B: "Perfect."

And so, Nonsense has three new housemates he has to spend his life with, temporally, he hopes, what will await them in the future? we'll find out on the next chapter of this fanfic.

Creator's Note

TYSM FOR READING!!! God, this took like, two days??? i dont even remember lol, sorry if the story was too plain, short or barely had any narration, im new into making stories and that type of shit 😭😭

That aside, i hope you, the reader, liked it! if you want leave a comment giving your opinion on this chapter of giving me some suggestions for future ones!! that would help me alot :3

That being said, bye and see you and chapter 2 !!!!

That being said, bye and see you and chapter 2 !!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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"Goddamnit." [ A Nonsensical Friday Night X Bob's Onslaught Fanfic ]Where stories live. Discover now