chapter 4

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"Leila strolled leisurely, and Zoya teased, 'Leila, you walk so slow! It's like you're a turtle. ' Leila chuckled, 'This is my full speed; I can't walk any faster!' Zoya grinned, 'Well, I guess I'm just too fast for you!'"". When they both reached home, Leila spotted her Baba sitting in the hall, engrossed in reading a newspaper.""Leila slowly  walk toward him approached and took a seat near their feet. Rais looked up from the newspaper and asked, 'What happened, Leila?'"" But lelia don't say any word. Rais put news paper on the table and  He put his hand on her head and masked what happened , she said 'Baba, guess what? I won, I secured the first place in the calligraphy competition!'""Leila said with a smile, 'Rais, really? May Allah bless you with success!'""After hearing those words, she felt like she had won the world. And  They told her they would send her calligraphy to an exhibition in Cairo.""Rais was genuinely happy for her, proud of her success.""Leila, a 21-year-old, is a  passionate calligraphy artist. She dedicates herself to creating intricate pieces inspired by the Quran.""She deeply loves Allah, considering Him to be everything in her life."" Hoo zoya you also come.  Zoya, come here and join us,' he called out.""Zoya, is  childhood friend of Leila, has been a part of her life for as long as they both can remember.""Rais called his wife, who was in the kitchen. She came out, and Rais excitedly shared everything with her.her mother is also very ha for her ""Leila had been diligently working on that particular calligraphy piece for the past week.""Now, seeing the results of her hard work, she felt a profound sense of joy and fulfillment. It was all worth it."
.wanna se Leila look above

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