Cold Treatment

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Jennie POV

I wake up early to prepare Lisa's food again. She's still ignoring me and nit dare to even have a talk.

I cooked some Korean Kimchi Fried Rice, Pork Bulgogi, Korean Egg roll and side dishes.

I set up the table and even decorate rye dining table. I saw Lisa wearing a tuxedo ready to go.

"Good morning Lis! Let's go and have some breakfast! " I great her. She looked at me blankly.

"I'm good. I have to go. Bye. " She said and left without waiting for my answer. I looked at the dishes I prepared, I was dissapointed she did not even glanced to the food I prepared.

I just sat alone and try to eat alone. I was sad, Lisa is treating me this way. I'm his wife afterall, I need her attention and his time. Am I too demanding if I asked her to just have breakfast or just eat with me?

I only ate a little as I lost my appetite. Lisa is getting cold to me 😟

I prepared myself for work. I will be busy today as I need to finish my client's new tasks. I worked as freelancer photographer and video editor. I also handle my parents's business but I only go to the office once a week as I only signed papers as Vice President. My parents still the Chairman and President.

Ms. Philips gave me another event invitation and behind the scene edits. She will have her wedding the other month. She's been my loyal client so I always priority her tasks.

I worked from home so my time is as flexible as I can be. I finished my clients just before lunch. This job is like my boredom killer.

I looked at the clock. What if I make some home cooked lunch for Lisa? Will she talk to me now? Hayss let's see.

I checked the kitchen. It has enough space for my cooking. I'll make same Gamjatang as Mommy Chittip told me that's her favorite Korean food.

I finished my cooking just before the lunch time. Good thing her work is just 20 minutes from our home.

I walked to the reception and asked to have Lisa.

"Hi Miss, can I have a time with Ms. Lalisa Manoban? Please tell her that her wi----- I mean her friend named Jennie is here. " I told her.

"Right away Mam. Please settle down for a minute, I will ask for her office secretary if she can accomodate you. " The receptionist told me.

After some minutes....

"How was it! " I asked her. She looks sad.

"I apologize Mam but Ms. Manoban is currently busy and doesn't wish to accept any visitors. Thank you! " She said and I was dissapointed with her answer. I looked at the food I cooked. This is the 2nd time she declined to have me with her meals. I nod to the girl and went to call someone.

You're calling Mommy Chitt.....

"Hello Mom~~ This is Jennie. "

"Oh hi my dear daughter in-law, why did you call? Do you need anything? Does Lisa upset you? Tell me and I will do something to that daughter of mine. "

"No Mom. Ahmm I'll just ask if we could have dinner together in your house? It's kinda new to me that Lisa and I will only have our own dinner. "

"Aww my sweet daughter in-law. Come on take your husband here and spend your night with us. I'll tell to your Daddy Marco to cook everything you both want. See you sweety."

"Thank you mom. See you! "

I dropped the call. Hayss I wish Lisa will not decline this. I looked outside her office building. Am I too much to bear? Why did Lisa so cold to me?

I was about to leave when I saw Lisa with a girl. I squint my eyes and saw her with Irene? Is she still seeing Irene? I felt a little strange in my chest. I hide myself and went to my car. I secretly glance to them but to my dismay Lisa kissed Irene in the lips before they left. I clenched my fists. How dare she?! She knows that we need to stick together until the right time comes. I drove away and went to my friends.

"Jennie Kim!!!!!!!! Oh gosh sorry. Jennie Kim-Manoban!!! Hows the bang bang night? " Nayeon asked me. I rolled my eyes. We are currently in the bar.

"Shut up. I don't have a nerve to tell everything I gone thru with that Manoban. Arghhh! She's getting into my nerves. Jeong! Give me a tequila. " I told Jeongyeon. She's Nayeon's girlfriend.

"Hahahaha Oh am I going to hear some tea today? Come on spit it out! " Joy said.

"I saw Lisa with Irene earlier.... " I said

"What? She came back with that bitch? Oh girl! Now continue... " Nayeon said. Jeong handed me the Tequila.

"Thanks.. And she's ignoring me after I went out and get I saw her kissed Irene. Bullshitt right? " I said and drink tge tequila straight up.

"WHAT THE HELL! THAT BITCH! " Joy said and clenched her fists.

"I know. Well if she wants this then let me play with her. Girls, what do you think? " I asked them.

"Are you going to do the same? Oh girl don't! Kai might rape you. You know how badly he wants to bed you. " Nayeon said.

"Nahh... Don't be a fool. Let's just activate the Ruby Jane within you. Sounds good? " Joy said. I smile to them. They really know me.

"Then let's take the shot girls! " I said and we get drank a little while planning my seductive revenge 😏

"Then let's take the shot girls! " I said and we get drank a little while planning my seductive revenge 😏

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