Mr & Mrs. Manoban

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Jennie POV

Arghhh! Remind me why do I agree to this arrangement?

"LALISA! WE'RE FUCKIMG LATE! you're so slow. Mr. Kang will be looking for me! " I shouted as I wait in the living room for my damn husband.

"Yeah yeah! I'm here. And about Kang. Let me handle that. Let's go! " She said and walk to her Bugatti car
Tsk! So arrogant 🤨😒

I went to the passenger seat and cross my arms. She's really getting into my nerves since last week that I knew that she's working in our company.

"Why so grumpy babe? Hey didn't you enjoy our exercise last night? " She said and wiggle her eyebrows. I think I turned red to what she said. The F?! Really at this time she will bring that up?!

I rolled my eyes and pretend I'm pissed off because deep inside I'm so embarrassed.

"Stop mentioning it Lisa. Hurry up! We're getting late. " I said and she immediately drove peacefully so we cam go to work on time.

I asked her to drop me in the near street so I can walk alone to the building but she insist to drop me to her VIP parking lot. However, I still refuse it since people might see is together since this marriage is exclusive only to pur family and very close friends.

"Hey were near the building. Loosen up okay? We're not late. " Lisa said and caress my thigh. I shove her hand.

"Yeah I know. So stop being touchy because we're here. Just drop me in there. By the way, I'll take a cab later don't wait for me. " I told her. I was about to go when Lisa held my wrists.

"I'll just meet you in the nearby cafe so we can go home together. " She told me.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Kang later. We will meet Mr. Wang. I might have spent my dinner in the meeting so don't wait for me. Bye. " I said and immediately get my hand to leave or else she will ask tons of questions again. I don't know but Lisa became so clingy when we started to become intimate not to mention we always do that thing since she's always I mean everyday asking for sexy time 😒

I arrived at the building on time. I was about to go inside the elevator when Mr. Kang also went in.

"Good morning, Ms. Kim! " He greeted me.

"Good morning, Mr. Kang! " I greet him and made a slight bow. The elevator was about to close when a hamd stop it..... Well It's my dear husband. She went in my left side since Mr. Kang is in my right side.

"Good morning, Ms. Manoban! " Mr. Kang greeted

"Good morning, Mr. Kang! "

"Ms.Kim, are you done with the proposal for Mr. Wang? " Mr. Kang asked me. I nod my head.

"Great! By the way you might have you overtime since Mr. Wang asked me to set a dinner meeting and also we will tour him to our onsite so he could check the actual business building. "

"Yes sir! I already cancelled my other appointments after duty hours. " I told him.

"Alright. See you at 3pm then? " He asked me.

"Definitely sir. " I said and went outside the elevator.

I was startled when Lisa spoke.

"So? Dinner meeting huh? Tsk! you're the only girl? Come on! I should join you there. I'll asked Mr. Kang to let me join you. " She told me.

"Oh gosh Lisa! It was just a meeting stop having a delusional situation. Mr. Kang and I will be there for a tour and a meeting. Can you calm your nerves? " I told him.

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