Chapter one

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My steps echoe around the abandoned, dimly lit building. The lights long ago turned off, giving enough place to the looming shadows dancing on the walls as I stride across the school's empty halls. My backpack, flung over my shoulder, bounces to the rythm of my steps until I reach the 2nd floor window I left cracked open. I slip through in a skillful motion easily finding the right spots to hold onto and climb my way down. Landing with a soft thud, I adjust my pack and head for the grandiose gate.

I easily spot the dingy blue van parked next to the no parking sign. It's left rear headlights considerably missing, deep scratches on it's side. Then there's the cute Hello Kitty styled band-aid 'covering' a huge ass dent on the front, exactly where the license plate is supposed to be. A tell-tale of a time when our sober driver was not as sober as he claimed to be.

So yeah, maybe the disheveld look not only suits the vehicle but the passengers too.

Behind the wheel, that's Tay. I'm still not so sure since when or how or if he has a licence but he's one hell of a driver, that's undeniable.
He is a fratboy. And an asshole. But for some genuinely fucked up reason he is one of the only people I can call friend. My point being, he was there when no one cared, and somehow still can put up with me. At least for now.

The guy, jumping out of the back with a wide grin plastered across his face, would be Jackie. A real adrenalin junkie. Though we all are, some more than the others. But he? Oh, gods have mercy on him, he just outdo us all.

Waving at me, Joan flashes me a sinister smile, then immediatly moves back to play with her unfamiliar short hair.
Well, she without doubt would not attempt to run with a torch while being shit face drunk after last time.
I mean, her reaction to her new (and pretty much permanent) hairstyle, was truly a sight, that's for sure, though the stench of burnt hair is still fresh in my mind, so that certainly was not a rinse and repeat kind of situation.

The druggie version of BarbieKen? That's Micha. He's nice when clear, but more fun when he's not. Though he's almost always silent, but that does not mean that he'd be a bore. On the contrary, just looking at his ever present sneer always manages to make my day.

And me, the one ranting about her life? Well, I'm L-

"Liah drag your ass here, we've been waiting for like forever." Joan shouts at me.

"If you won't be here in the next 2 seconds I'll take your DJ seat, Princess" Well, seems like Jackie's still pissed that I rent free the front seat. Shame on him, because now for sure I'll only play the music he despises.
I jog to the car, it's door already opening from the inside, and jump in.

"You missed the fit Kie throw for having to sit in the back" Tay welcomes with an all too amused grin.

"Yeah, it was worse than usual. He even started to stomp his feet when Tay told him it's yours." Joan adds.

"I think it's early dementia, though maybe he was born with it." Micha says, not taking his eyes off the window, but there is a reassuring glint in them which makes me heave a silent sigh.

"Oh, stop coming at me." Jackie whines and starts a round of argument with an all too ready Joan.

But I'm not focused on them anymore. Not since the person beside me caught my relieved sigh. His eyes meet mine and the understanding in them seems to light up his whole features. He slowly blinks once and then twice, as if saying "Don't worry. He's fine." then starts the car.

Or at least he tries to, because with a gross puff the van refuses to comply.

"Shit, for fuck's sake work!" Tay curses.

"Be kind to her asshole, all the lady wants are sweet words." Kie chimes in.

"Like you know anything at all about the ladies, huh?" He argues back.

"Clearly more than you do. With those wrinkled eyebrows and pursed lips, you think you're the badboy they'll fall over their knees for, huh?" Jackie says his posture and facial expression a copy, a poor one may I add, of Tay's. "But your wrong. All you need is some whispered sweet nothing. Gentle coaxing, ain't I right my dear?" He pats the side of the said 'lady' to give some emphasis to his speech. And when Tay tries again, to his utter dismay, everything works smoothly.

So this is how we begun our journey towards...

"Where are we going by the way?"

"Dunno. The lake?" Joan asks.

"Again? Come on, some better ideas?" Jackie says.

"What's wrong with the lake, stupid?"

"It's a bore now. We gotta try something new."

"Bet you just forgot your swim shorts."

"That's totally not that. Or not just that, like I said i-"

"I knew it. Come on, I'll let you swim naked, if that's what it takes Kie, please."
With Joan's this particular statement more than one person had a problem in the van.

"I'll give you one of my bikini, just please don't flash your naked ass at us." I cut in before things can go south.

"So you've got swimwear, huh? That's a shame, I would've let you swim naked." Tay adds, as a simple remark to himself and I opt for peace so I rather ignore his comment.

"I would like to go skiing. But it's just the beginning of summer, and I'm broke so I swallow down my pride and do something else. Like hanging out with you lot." Micha rants, then, as though he thought it over, asks. "What of camping?"

"It's been a while since we've done that. I know a great place. And anyone can get naked there too. You guys in?" Tay pounces on the idea. He seems excited. Even thrilled. Partly I'm sure it's because for a long time Micha's been like a ghost among us. There, but also not quite. For him to not just go with the flow, but present ideas... That's totally new. And not at all something we would want to miss. Maybe this 'great place' will do us a favour and rid us of our miseries.
But since when does Tay know places that does not include us? Especially 'great places'?

"What kind of place?" I inquire, trying, but failing miserably, to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Tay glances at me with a knowing smile already plastered across his face.

"Just a great place." He repeats himself. A wide grin lighting up his whole face when he sees my bitter expression. And he's got the never people, he's got the nerve to even look me up and down with those mischievous, forest-green eyes. Outrageous.

"Alright then, let's go to the great place!"
Kie shouts, bursting our ears.

"Famous last words." Joan mutters as though not quite sure whether that's a good idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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