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A/N- I just wanted to clarify something. Right now Y/N is dreaming, if that's what you want to call it. She's still passed out. Also, all of the dreams and flashbacks will be in italics.


"Bastian!" I yell jumping into my brother's arms, sobbing.

"Whoa Y/N! What's going on?" My brother says with a worried expression on his face.

"It's Mom! She left today! She promised she would be back, but I could see it in her face! She's gone! She left us!" I tell him, starting to hyperventilate.

My brother pushes me away from him gently, making me look at him. "Y/N Madson, you've known Mom was going to leave us for a long time now. Now listen here, we'll get Logan and Kameron, and then we'll blow this joint. We might be homeless for awhile, but I've been doing jobs for some under the table cash, and I'll buy the first place I can afford. It won't be pretty, but it'll be better than nothing. Okay? Now breathe. I need you to calm down for me."

I nod, focusing on my breathing. After awhile I was able to breathe normally. I look at my brother, "Now what Bastian?" I ask, looking into his brown eyes. He had a soft smile on his face. A smile that all the girls adored, I would say I did to if I wasn't his sister. "Now," he says, "We restart. From now on we are no longer the Madson family, we are the L/N family."

"Loud and fucking proud," I say, smiling at him. He was older, but we were the same height.

"You know Y/N, you really shouldn't cuss like that." He told me, his big brother side of him showing.

"Why not?" I replied, "I learned from the best didn't I?"

He grinned at me, which made me smile even more. "Damn right," he says, "Now lets go inform our brothers on the latest news."

School Bus Graveyard- Aiden Clark x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now