Part 19: Class 1-A's Parents

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Aizawa yawned and opened his eyes only to close them again because of the light, feeling weight on him he opened his eyes and looked down to see Izuku on his right, pressed against his side still asleep and Eri sleeping on top of his chest with Izuku's arm on her back. When did he lay on his back? Eri stirred not long after, rubbing her eyes of sleep. "Morning" she looked up, "Hi" she smiled, and he chuckled, he sat up bringing Izuku up with him still sleeping, "Papa still tired?" she asked, "Looks like it" he yawned and Izuku nuzzled into Aizawa's warmth before stilling once more, his breathing even and content in steady paces. "Can we get some apple juice? We can bring papa something to drink too" she said with a bright smile, "We can but I did tell him I'd be next to him in the morning..." contemplating on if he should just carry him on his back or go get the drinks and come straight back, he decided to just take him with him to avoid any arguments and well, to make sure he still slept. Izuku was known to sleep anywhere and everywhere whenever he was comfortable. This would be no different. 

"Alright come on, just let me grab him real quick then we'll go to the kitchen" happy to get some apple juice, she crawled and hopped off the bed waiting at the door for them as Aizawa carefully positioned Izuku behind him then propped him on his back while making sure he didn't fall off and then went to the door walking out with Eri and Izuku in tow. Using one of his arms to grab cups and the other to hold Izuku, he set the coffee machine to fill up two cups and poured Eri some juice and handed it to her that she took to the main area and drank it in there. Filling up one of them and putting the other under the part pushing the button again to fill up the cup he drank his coffee while walking to the main area and sitting Izuku on the couch before sitting down himself to which the body next to him slumped on him and he was still asleep. Good, he needs it. Few students filed into the room yawning and chatting, Eri waved at them and leaned against Aizawa's legs, Aizawa dozed off with his coffee almost empty as Eri quietly read a book Izuku got her and taught her how to read but she still had difficulty understanding some of the words still, but she was learning. Izuku stirred and yawned, subconsciously catching Aizawa's coffee and taking a sip from the cup, he still felt tired and honestly, he felt like sleeping some more. "Good morning Dadzu, have a nice nap?" he blinked, "Dad what?" he was confused, he nudged Aizawa who looked up annoyed before realizing Izuku was awake, "Oh, look, Dadzawa's up as well" now Aizawa was confused, "Can someone please explain what's going on?" they asked, "Well, Bakugo actually came up with the idea and we kinda just added to the ideas and you two have been given the nicknames Dadzu and Dadzawa" Mina grinned, "Katsuki Bakugo!" Izuku hopped off the couch and went running at the blond but without moving from the couch, Aizawa used his scarf, and it wrapped around him bringing him back as the latter pouted and grumbled under his breath. Some were insults others were of physical fighting. "No fighting, now go get your coffee" he then placed him on the floor and let him go as Izuku flipped him off and went to get his coffee from the kitchen. 

Izuku then stomped back with his coffee, "Why am I being called whatever it was? Aizawa, I get since he's your teacher but me? I am literally the same age as the rest of you, minus Dabi and the chicken and Eri" he said taking a sip of the caffeine, how he got addicted to black caffeine he'll never know. "You are the adopted parent of a five year old, plus, Mr. Aizawa kinda threatened us with having to deal with you if we stayed out too late" he looked to Aizawa, not that he wasn't wrong in a sense. About them staying out too late and getting an earful that is. "Okay but that doesn't answer my question, I've only known most of you for a few months, Katsuki I knew for years, and Aizawa I've messed with for 6 years, how did I become a parent to y'all?" he asked still completely dumbfounded. They just shrugged, "Dabi please for the love of god tell me you do not agree to this" he turned to the red head, "I have opinion on this?" he blinked clearly not expecting that, Izuku groaned. "I did not just become a parent to an entire class!" he whined, "Now you how I feel" he got flipped off from the greenette. 

Eri, he understands but his brother and his friends? That, he doesn't. Wait a minute, "They've called you what was it, Dadzawa? Before?" he asked, "Yes, can't figure out why exactly" he replied nonchantly, "Oi, nerd" Izuku deadpanned and turned to Katsuki who was eating an apple, "When exactly were you going to tell me the hag brought adoption papers over?" he asked, "Well for one I couldn't because you were out and two, I had used a healing Quirk I rarely use on Dabi and exhausted myself in the process because damage that bad uses a lot of energy, plus it was so sudden I still haven't processed it to be honest, grateful as I am, I'm not used to having a mother. Remember?" he reminded him on what he meant because of Inko; the class's attitudes dimmed greatly in an almost eerie silence at that incident. Kirishima knew that Katsuki was nowhere near not having murder on his mind 24/7, he still has not stop mumbling angrily about him getting a knife in his arm. The class did not know that Ghost Bunny was abused but after Inko ruined his self-control, they were then aware how bad his situation was before he became the Vigilante he was. "You sure I can't murder her now?" he asked trying to make himself sound innocent, but he had some real ideas of murdering Inko, Izuku once again deadpanned at him. "We are not having this discussion again, It's no. You're a Hero in training, I am not. It wouldn't make a difference from my already known record" he explained while deadpanning at him, "You do realize yours is still low right?" he said, "Maybe so, but that might just be my damage count which is seriously lower then my kill count" he told him taking a sip of his coffee. 

"It's the same thing" "Is not, learn shit. Are you really the same guy I knew from diapers? Damn you are different" "What was that you son of a bitch?!" Aizawa sighed, Dabi casually sipping his soda as Hawks layed upside down next to him snoring and the class sweatdropped, Eri found this to be steadily normal and it was becoming something she was used to. Getting up from the couch, Aizawa took the coffee from Izuku as he and Katsuki butted heads on the matter of murdering Inko and took a sip from it since Izuku stole the last of his. 

This was going to be a long day. 



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