Capítulo 13

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-How so? Me? Why? Did I do something wrong?

RM- Ah no, not at all I am sorry. I was thinking if you want to come and join us a litlle, we are not going today so...

-hum.. you won't kidnap me right?

RM- ah no..- ele disse com um olhar sério. Apercebi-me que ficou preocupado com a minha questão, assenti que sim.

Mandei mensagem no grupo das armys para saberem onde eu estava e por mensagem também..

Segui os seguranças e o RM ia atrás de mim, tivemos que descer uma parte do palco, imensas viravoltas, para mim foi super confuso, mesmo que quisesse não conseguia voltar para trás.

Chegamos a uma parte que tinha imensas carrinhas, um autocarro enorme, calculei logo que os restantes membros da banda ali tivessem!

-Sorry RM, bue .. why am I the only one here?

RM- Because you were the only one I envited..

-I am really not understanding...

Estava cada vez mais confusa, não sabia porque ali estava sequer, mas claro que fui aceitar. Estava com os BTS, eu, convidada..

JHOPE- hey army! You ok?

-Hey, I think so!

JHOPE- Don't worry!- deu-me um sorriso, o tão famoso sorriso. Não consegui evitar em sorrir de volta.


When I was performing today I felt something strange while I was watching her.

She was having so much fun, so many armys have done this, told me the things she did, but for some reason, this time felt different. Maybe I am being completly crazy, I can't put the members at risk.. and this is a lot of risky.

JK- annyeong RM, mwohae? geunyeoneun nugu-ibnikka? (hey RM, what are you doing? Who is she?)

- Well, for all I know, she is a fan..

Jk – geuleonde dangsin-i geu salam-eul yeogilo delyeooneun geobnikka?! museun il-i il-eonago issnayo? (and you are briging her here?! What is going one?)

- ok, relax I will talk toe here a little.. I already told Jin, Jhope knows too. I will tgo the van so all of you can be a little private too.. relax JK, I will never do something to hurt us..

Jk- al-ass-eo, nan dangsin-eul mid-eoyo. neul geulaess-eoyo. (ok, I trust you, I always did.)

RM assentiu e foi ter com a Maria.

I felt how scary she was from here, I just want to find a way to make her feel confortable..

Maria- RM I am sorry, but I should get to my friends.. I don't think the others are feeling confortable with me in here..

-First of all please tell me your name,- ele sorri enquanto faz aquelas covinhas, não resisti mesmo em morder o lábio, eu nem acredito que estou a ver aquelas covinhas mesmo à minha frente!AAAAAAAA - I want to spend some time with you, I swear I won't hurt you....- ele soou com num tom preocupado, fitou-me com um olhar que eu nem sei explicar...

Maria-Fine, I think I can trust you.. is Maria..

-Maria hun.. that name.. where are you from?- ele soava intrigado.

Maria-From Portugal! Me and my two friends are planning this trip for almost ans year and half. We planned our vacacion and everything so we can see you, I..I mean, all of you. And was great..- sorri, de tão feliz que estava por ter conseguido concretizado o tão desejado objetivo.

RM- woah..Really? I am amazed, thank you. I hope it was worth it.

Maria- OH it was!!- eu disse com o maior brilho nos meus olhos, mesmo que quisesse seria impossível de disfarçar.

-Great.. do you want to see where we have our instruments?

Maria- Do you have a place with them? Sure! I want. Oh and for you to know, I am not using my phone because I don't want to expose you or other member..

-I know- ele sorriu e faz as covinhas novamente, socorro.

Isto Aconteceu?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora