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After a bit more mingling, you and Eunji once again ended up by yourselves at a table. She had her cheek dejectedly in hand, visible pout on her face.

"So? Have you liked anybody so far?" You asked her. "Felt a connection? Seemed like you and Jungwoo were getting along... Or that environmental attorney, uhm, Taeyong?"

"I don't know, I don't think so," she sighed, straightening up. "I'm going to use the bathroom. Come with?"

"I can, or I can get us drinks again. Which do you want?"

"Mm, drinks. Thanks."

"Of course, hon."

On your way back to the bar, you spotted a familiar blue suit jacket in the crowd and decided to make a short detour.

"Kun." You approached, stopping behind him at a table.

The attorney turned around, a wide smile coming to his face as he recognized you. "Y/N, hello again."

"Yeah, hey," you beamed. "Mind if I chat with you for a second?"

"Please do."

"I was on the way to the bar to grab another round for my friend and I while she freshens up, then I saw you," you explained, settling in to lean beside him at his table. "But she'll be a while..."

"Lucky me then." A dimple appeared in his cheek. "And honestly, you might want to hold off on the drinks. They're going to start bringing out champagne at eleven."

"What time is it?"

He checked his silver, analog watch. "Ten fifty-four."

"I think I will hold off, then. Eunji loves champagne. Thanks for the tip."

"Of course."

"You here all alone?" You indicated the empty table he was standing at. "I mean, I know it's a singles event or whatever, but people have at least been talking to friends or colleagues too."

"I was with some others a few minutes ago, we were celebrating a recent promotion, but they all seemed to have left me."

"Promotion? Whose?"

"Ah, mine," he admitted, hand habitually smoothing over the lapels of his suit.

"Congrats. And what have you been promoted to?"

"Senior partner. Non-equity."

"Celebrating your promotion at an event for lonely singles? Bit sad."

"If I'm being honest, I'm only here because my friend pressured me." He nodded towards a dark-haired man in an emerald green velvet jacket, who you had seen darting about the event the whole night. "Ten helped organize it."

"I was forced here by my friend too, Eunji," you laughed. "She just about dragged me in kicking and screaming."

"I didn't put up that much resistance myself, admittedly," Kun chuckled.

"Oh? You secretly wanted to come?" You half-joked and half-asked.

"Something like that."

"Really? Do tell."

"When Ten was first telling me his plans for the event, I thought, knowing him, it was just a convoluted way to get wasted and make out with a stranger," he shook his head. "But the promotion sort of put some... things into perspective. And I feel like the New Year always makes me reflect more than others."

"Why is that? You feel like you reflect on New Year more than other people?"

"My birthday is January 1st."

hopeless for the holidays ✧ q.k | ✔Where stories live. Discover now