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You and Kun slipped back into the main party with five minutes to spare, and grabbed a couple more glasses of champagne off a waiter as he walked by. You looked around to see if you could spot Eunji now that you were on the opposite side of the room as before. Funny enough, you saw Taeyong and his colleagues that you had met earlier, but not your friend.

"Is something wrong, Y/N?" Kun asked.

"I'm sorry, do you mind if we go talk to someone?" You couldn't shake the feeling of something being off, despite the large screen set up behind the band displaying the timer now at less than four minutes.

"Of course not."

Pulling Kun through the crowd by the arm, you landed in front of Lee Taeyong out of breath, offering him a wide smile. "Hi, Taeyong. I don't know if you remember me, I'm Y/N, we met earlier."

"Of course, yes, you're... an event planner, right?" He offered you a bright smile.

"Yeah, yeah." You didn't have the time to correct him. "My friend Eunji that was with me, have you seen her? Is she with you?"

The man's features immediately turned confused. "No, she's not with me. But I have seen her."

"Oh, good. Where?"

"Over there," he nodded behind you. "With Johnny."

You turned around, eyes zeroing in on a corner of the foyer where Eunji was in fact pressed up into Johnny Suh's side, giggling and laughing, his arm around her shoulders. He looked about as tipsy as she was, pink-cheeked and giggling too.

Looking back to Taeyong, you smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Taeyong, one more thing: To the best of your knowledge, she's been with him for the past hour or so?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so." He nodded. "They look like they've been having a, uhm, pretty good time together. Not to be indecent..."

"Cool, thanks." You walked off, taking Kun with you.

"So what was that about?" Kun questioned.

"Johnny Suh is Eunji's ex from law school," you explained the gravity of the situation. "Not a pretty breakup. Or second breakup. Or third breakup. From what I heard, I didn't know her then."

"Are we going to do anything?" Kun questioned as you were very clearly not walking over to Eunji and Johnny.

"I only got Eunji two drinks spread across two hours, so unless she has been chugging champagne at superhuman rates for the past hour, she's probably only had one or two glasses, which with her alcohol tolerance would put her at mildly tipsy," you responded with a shrug. "I'm not going to let her leave with him. But otherwise... she can deal with her choices in the morning. It would be way more trouble than it's worth if I went over there and tried to remove her right now."

"Gotcha." He nodded.

"Besides..." You looked over at the countdown, which was now at 1:30. "It's almost midnight."

Kun tapped the side of his glass, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Y/N, I don't want to be presumptive. Just being able to enjoy your company tonight has been more than enough—"

"Kun, I would be offended if you didn't want to kiss me at midnight."

"I do, I do," he chuckled, clearly relieved. "I'm just aware that you had your reservations about coming here tonight, and about the entire premise of the event."

"Well I said I didn't want to get drunk and mack on a stranger. I'm not drunk, and I wouldn't exactly call you a stranger. I feel like I know you a little bit."

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