Let's Start the New Year Right (smut)

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Spencer Reid x fem!reader

18+ minors DNI

desc: Spencer and reader get invited to a chill, casual NYE party. But things heat up right at the stroke of midnight.

cw: food mention, Spencer is a little awkward in the beginning, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, semi-public sex (in a bathroom)... Let me know if I missed anything


"I can't go dressed like this? People will laugh at me."

Spencer looks himself over in the mirror for the tenth time, running a hand down his sweatshirt. It was New Years Eve and you two weren't doing anything too crazy, just spending time at your friend Andies house with a few others. She'd just bought said house and was desperate for you and the rest of your friends to see it. And what better time than New Year's Eve?

"They will not laugh at you. Andie said she wanted everyone to be casual and casual means jeans and sweatshirts," you called from inside your closet. "And we'll be out by the fire. You'll be more comfortable like this. Trust me."

You peak around the corner to his portion of the closet, a small smile tugging at your lips. He looks cute, more dressed down than you usually see him. In fact, this is the most you've seen him in the past three weeks. Serial killers don't take breaks, even during the holidays. So off he and the team went to bum-fuck-nowhere Alabama and missed Christmas.

It was disappointing to say the least.

But it was his job, something he warned you of previously. However, it didn't mean him missing important days didn't hurt. But you sucked it up and smiled through it. Plus, it didn't matter. He was home and he was safe.

"I do trust you. But I don't want to be underdressed." He sighs moving to grab his tennis shoes, sitting on the little poof seat you insisted on buying. (And that he secretly loved. Not that he'd admit it.)

You pull your hair out of the back of your sweatshirt, smoothing it down and grabbing a warm hat. "You won't be. This isn't like Rossi's where we dress to the nines and get drunk on champagne."

You see him grin as he ties his shoes, a small blush rising on his ears.

"Yeah he was sad we were coming this year. I, however, am excited we aren't going. I have spent more than enough time with all of them. They'll survive without me for a night."

You giggle, walking towards him and hugging him from behind. "Yes, baby, your friends will survive without you. You're all mine tonight." You kiss his cheek before straightening and checking your phone, "we should head out, sweetheart. Andie will be pissed if we're late."

The drive to Andies was short, filled with Spencer's long winded explanation about why you and he bought your house at the 'most perfect time'. You loved listening to him ramble, even if half the time he spoke gibberish. You were thankful you could google some of the super big words he used.

The second you're parked outside the house, big, beautiful and full of holiday cheer, you see Spencer tense. You'd think after six years together, he'd be more calm around your friends. They helped him with the proposal after all and he still has the group chat. The group chat where they send him memes he doesn't understand. However, no matter the time, he isn't the most comfortable with anyone but you. And more so in your bedroom.

You find it... endearing to say the least.

You reach over and grab his hand, squeezing it three times i am here. "Ready?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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