Friends Without Benefits (SMUT 18+)

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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader

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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader

Summary: falling in love with your best friend (when you weren't supposed to) can be quite a bitch.


Content warnings: friends with benefits, talks of being in love, kissing, oral sex (fem! Receiving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex, creampie. (Let me know if i missed anything.)

Word count: 2.1k

Based off the song "Friends Without Benefits" By Chloe Collins


He should've known I would be awake, Spencer knew I liked the silent darkness night brought me. I did my best work between midnight and 3 am. So when his text came in, letting me know the team would be landing in an hour, I replied almost embarrassingly quickly.

I was out the door and into the frigid, January cold even faster. When I was awake, I would always go get him. It was a little tradition Spencer and I started after his first really rough case. At that time, we just drove around until his mind quieted, sometimes getting shitty pizza and eating in the car.

But now... we were doing a little more than that.

I let my mind wander as I drove to the airstrip. It wasn't far from my apartment and it was on the way to his, so picking him up was no big deal. I knew exactly what would be happening once he got in my car. We played coy in front of his teammates, claiming to be just friends. But we were a little more than that.

Friends with benefits was my idea, something I proposed when pizza and long car rides stoped working for Spencer. We'd been friends since college, me getting a bachelors in engineering, and him working on his third PhD. We were so alike it was almost scary.

I loved our little arrangement. It started with only after cases, then once a week, and now I'm only ever sleeping by myself when he's away on cases. And between times when I see him, my phone never leaves my hands in case he needs me.

But we are not dating.

I want to make that explicitly clear. Spencer and I are friends with benefits and that's it. We agreed when all this started that we wouldn't fall in love with each other.

Unfortunately, this was something I was failing at... miserably.

I didn't understand how anyone couldn't fall in love with Spencer. He was everything you could ever imagine. Like if I could build the perfect man, it would be everything Spencer is. Smart, kind, funny, understanding, compassionate, romant-

"Jesus fuck, it's cold out there!" The shutting of the car door brings me back to the present. And the man sitting in my front seat, cranking the heat.

I cant help but grin at his vulgar language, something he uses more often than people seem to think. "My car says its 10 degrees outside. Which is warmer than it was last night!" My heart races as I look over at him, taking him in. He was so fucking beautiful and it killed me to know we were only friends. But I tried to keep love and sadness out of my eyes because then he would know and everything would be ruined.

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