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    "Oh, come on!" Coach Robertson yells, as his best player gets dragged to the penalty box for roughing. "She barely even touched him!" The referee tells the girl she gets two minutes.

    "Two minutes is worth it." Aspen mumbles as she enter the box. She takes off her helmet and fixes her two French braids. The two minutes are up as Coach Robertson puts her back in. Her teammate, Sander, gets the puck. "Owens, pass it!" Aspen smacks her stick on the ground. Sander passes her the puck as he gets checked into the boards.

    There's only 5 seconds left in the game and her team was winning 12-3. Aspen raises her stick and shoots the puck. It goes right before tricking the goalie and going in on the left side. Her team skates up to her as the board shows the final the score. 13-2. The team skate if the rink and head to the locker rooms.

    "Nice shot, De La Cruz," Sander passes Aspen as he goes to his locker. "The Switching Puck always comes in to save the day." He joked as he takes of his gear.

    "It always does, Owens." Aspen looks at the older boy. "Always does. Never misses." She adds, sliding off her shin guards. She gets dressed into some baggy cargo pants, a tight plain black shirt with an air breaker over it, a backwards hat, and some dirty vans. Her team starts to head home as Coach Robertson stops Aspen.

    "Aspen, there's someone who would like to meet you," he informs, as he grabs her shoulder and leads her to a man wearing a suit and carrying a clipboard.

    Aspen looks at the dude with a distasteful look as he was wearing a brown suit with a bright green tie. "Yeah, hi. I'm Aspen De La Cruz," she, very very reluctantly, shakes the hand of the suit guy.

    "I know exactly who you are. I'm Don Tibbles and I wanted to give you this file, it explains how we want you to be on Team America... Team USA to represent your country." He says and hands me a file. "This has more information for you to look over with your parents/guardians."

    "What if," Aspen slowly grabs the file. "I don't wanna go?" Tibbles looks at her and starts stumbling over his words. "I'm messin' with you, G." She backs up slightly as Tibbles lets out a sigh. "I'll go over this later, but I'm gonna leave now, my dad is probably wondering why I'm taking so long." Aspen quickly turns around and leaves the stadium.

    She instantly sees her dad's black truck and she hops into it, careful to keep the file out of his sight. "You're late," her dad says as she buckles up. "I should make you walk home for making me wait." Aspen rolls her eyes and slouches into her seat. The second she gets home, she's going to throw the file away before her dad could see it.

    Just as the truck was about to leave, Tibbles sees Aspen in the passenger seat and runs to the car. "You have a week to let us, at Hendrix Hockey, know your decision for coming to join Team USA at the Junior Goodwill Games!" He merrily yells, loud enough for the whole parking lot to hear. Aspen's eye grew wide as she felt her dad look at her and Mr. Tibbles.

    "What is he talking about, Aspen?" Her dad looks to her, as Tibbles comes closer. "I'm talking about how Aspen here, has a shot to play for America at the Junior Goodwill Games. She's been carefully chosen for this position and I gave her a packet containing more information for it!" Tibbles says, extremely happy.

    Aspen gives him a cold stare as her dad asks to see this packet. Aspen gives him the file and he clips through it. 'I hate you' she mouths to Tibbles. "Do I have to pay for anything?" Tibbles shakes his head and starts saying for how he would take care of the expenses and the inky thing he does pay for is his consent to let Aspen play.

    Aspen felt like she wanted to disappear, as she slouches even lower in her seat. "She'll be doing it." Her dad says as Aspen gives him a look of despair. "When does she leave for this?" Tibbles says next week and he'll give them a call. He gives her dad a quick paper to sign and leaves. "A whole summer away from you, sounds like heaven." Her dad comments as he drives them to their luxury town home.

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