You Get Beaten Up

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It was another boring day. Same routines, same assignments, same horrible place. You hated the Horde. You hated how it chips away at your soul, turning you into a mindless husk. Everyday, you thought these same things. You just wanted to leave. But you couldn’t. You were forever stuck in this miserable place. 


At least it could always be worse. You could have been stuck with her. Ugh, you hated her. Catra. One of the worst people you met. It was like she was constantly in a bad mood, and whenever she wasn’t, she was still an asshole. You wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, you really did. She was cute, strong, and agile. You wanted to like her, but in the end her personality was just too awful. A part of you still wished there was something redeemable about her. Oh well, there are plenty of others you can crush on. Scorpia is pretty hot, maybe you and her can-


Fuck! You just bumped into someone and fell flat on your face. Really should’ve been paying attention instead of thinking about Catra. Argh. Better apologize to whoever you ran into. 

“Watch where you’re going, dumbass!”

Ah dammit. Speak of the devil. It's her. It's Catra. And she is pissed, majorly. Guess she had a bad day and you just made it worse. She looks at you with an expression of pure hate and malice. This is not gonna end well.

“Catra! I’m really really sorry. I should’ve paid attention to where I was going instead of spacing out. I’m sorry.” You say submissively. You hope that in the least she won’t cause you any trouble. 


She just stares at you with a sour expression. You shifted uncomfortably. Catra starts to move, circling you and observing every inch of your body. Without any warning, Catra punches you in the stomach. You fall onto your knees resisting the urge to throw up. As you're on the floor, you feel Catra’s foot firmly placed on your back. She then finally speaks up.

“You think I’ll just forgive you? Especially with all the shit talk you done behind my back? No. I won’t.”

Shit. Before you can speak up, she puts more weight onto you. She continues speaking. This time with a more cruel and sadistic tone.

“You need to be punished! Need to learn that your place is beneath me! Even if it means I have to beat you senseless!”

Without any time to react, Catra throws a hard punch directly at your face. Your vision blurs and your face becomes hot. You feel tears beginning to run down your checks. Catra sees this and grins before throwing more punches your way. You try to defend yourself but she knocks you down and kicks your ribs. Any attempt to block is met with deep scratches. You feel like you’re gonna die. You need to escape, you’d do anything. 

“Cat-tra! Please! Stop! Please!” You shout and scream begging for mercy. “I’ll do anything! I’ll do anything you want! Just please stop!”

A few moments pass and you realize that Catra has actually stopped. You look up at her and see her intrigued face. You hear her chuckle before she grins evilly. She comes closer and crouches down to get face to face with you.


“Yes! Anything! Anything you want!” 

Catra’s grin grows wider at your response. She motions for you to get up and you comply. The pain makes it so hard to move and stand, but you’re afraid of what will happen if you don’t do what Catra wants. 

“Follow me.” She says before walking down the hall. You follow with a limp, each step feeling like it will be your last. She moves so much faster than you, forcing you to speed up despite the pain. As you both walk through the halls of the Fright Zone you pass by several other soldiers. They look horrified by your condition. One even tries to ask you what happened before they’re all yelled at to leave by Catra. You wished they stayed. Wished they somehow convince Catra to let you go to the infirmary. Fuck… you hope whatever Catra has planned for isn’t worse than getting brutally beat.

Catra Beats You Up (And More) (18+) Catra x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now