cause i can't control myself...

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"you got this, saku-chan!"

the japanese beauty stood fearlessly behind the bowling line. squinting her eyes a little as she visualized the direction she wanted the ball to go. tenacity in her strategy as her friends viewed from behind.

the glow-in-the dark surrounding, bright neon pins, along with classic bowie music muffled in the background of obnoxious chatter, helped set the mood well with the tedious gameplay going on in the cherry blossom's mind.

"hurry up already!" a raspy groan could be heard from a certain ducky. "it's been, like...five minutes—"

hyewon sushed yena as she stared back at the dramatic scene. sakura rolled her eyes at her friend as she held the ball against her chest. scrunching her face in determination, finally rolling the ball back with a run and releasing it while a riffle of pins crashed on the ground, followed by a loud high-pitched automated: striiiike!

immediately, a group of six girls all stood up and cheered in excitement, automatically going up to sakura and giving her an ecstatic ring-around-the-rosie's praise.

"how?!" yena questioned with wide-eyes, looking back and forth between the alley and the ball rolling back onto the machine. a large x appearing by her handle name.

"never underestimate unnie's skills." chaewon praised, fist bumping sakura's provided hand as they both sat down on the booth.

"did you know we are in the same bowling alley justin beiber filmed the baby music video at?!" yujin enthused, gazing around with wide eyes.

hyewon let out a playful scoff at the subject change. "we are in seoul, kid. not la."

"hm?" yena looked around just as confused, "but it looks just like it?"

"you're drunk..." hyewon declared as she sat by chaewon and kkura.

"alright alright." eunbi looked at the monitor, yelling out as she saw the puppy's name highlighted on the screen. "yujin's turn!"

the sound of a throat clearing by hyewon brought eunbi's attention to the left side of the booth. watching as said puppy chugged a glass of beer provided by yena.

"hey! who gave you permission to drink?!" the bunny angrily stormed over as she took the pitcher from yujin's hands.

"that explained the baby music video talk..." sakura murmured.

yuri laughed as yujin let out a loud burp, "she's of age now, unnie. remember?"

"since when?!"

"since her 19th birthday! which we all recently attended, may i add..."

eunbi let out a dramatic sigh, fingers over her temples. "i keep forgetting you're not fourteen anymore..."

"i also keep forgetting how 19 year olds are still in high school here." chaewon stated aloud, used to the graduating age being 17/18 in the states.

yujin giggled with a childish hiccup, "i'm an adult now~~~ yeppi!!"

she scoffed, "just because you're 'legally' an adult, doesn't mean you should drink like you're 30." eunbi attempted to take the cup away from yujin, but to no avail.

"no! you're not my mom!" yujin puffed out, face flushed red as she let out a grunt.

"oh god." chaewon gazed at the scene laying her head on sakura's shoulder. "should we do something about this?"

sakura began to record on her phone, "no, this is getting good."

yena finally stepped in before things got ugly between the mother and child. "it's okay, unnie!" she gave a breathy giggle, "yujin's mom gave me permission for her to drink tonight. we just gotta drive her home later."

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