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A/n- If you are interested I have a tiktok where I will post edits about this story! hope you can check them out! it's @hotcakesedits!!

Getting to go back to Shorehaven was the best part of my year. The first time I visited was hard because I didn't know anyone but Poppy. My mom grew up in Shorehaven and was best friends with Poppy's mom.

When Poppy's mom died we had come to visit for the summer and I met some new incredible people, but we had to go back to Florida, and soon after many friendships came crumbling down. I thought I would never see them again.

The only person who knew I was coming back was Manu. I told him I had been practicing my surfing back home in Florida and wanted to enter the competition.

Manu picked me up from the airport and brought me to see Poppy.

"Hello, gorgeous!" I said walking in.

"Y/N omg!" Poppy sprung up and hugged me. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to watch you try out! Maybe try to make it in the team."

"What!" She said shocked.

"I know, I've been practicing back home and I've gotten really good. I got a trainer and I took some classes and I'm feeling amazing."

"Tryouts are tomorrow!"

"I know, I know! But I've been working my ass off."

"I'm so glad you're back." She hugged me tight. "Me too."

"Everyone is going to freak when they find out you're back." She said excitedly. "And you! How could you not tell me!" She said to Manu.

We stayed in the house to surprise everyone at the tryouts, Poppy and I caught up on boy drama and all the new people who have come.

We woke up early the next morning and headed to the wave pool.

I checked with the selectors and my spot was approved. I ran to Poppy but forgot about the whole surprise thing.


"Y/N!" Bodhi said as she ran up and hugged me.

"Hey!" I gave her a tight hug back.

"Sunny?" Marlon came up to me and hugged me. He gave me the nickname last year because Florida is best known as the Sunshine State.

"Hey, Brazil." I hugged him back.

"Attention! Poppy Tetanui and Bodhi Merce! Your pizza is ready! Y/N Y/L/N, welcome back! And Marlon Sousa, could you please put on a shirt for once." A familiar voice said over the loudspeaker.

We all looked at each other in shock. No way. It couldn't be.

"Summer?" Bodhi said. "Summer!" I yelled.

We all ran up and hugged her. Summer was here to try and score a spot on the team, but I had already gotten the wildcard spot...

I turned around to see Ari walking out of the water; the group got awkward. I quickly turned around and Summer ran after him. "Summer! Oh my god!" He hugged her.

I started walking to Ari as he smiled, but then this girl came out of nowhere and kissed him. Summer and I stood in shock.

Summer and Ari had a bit of a romance last summer too. I thought she was over it but I could tell she still wanted him. Ari and I had our moments that we didn't tell anyone about but it was all in the past now...apparently.

"Wren...this is Summer and Y/n."

"Oh my god! Hi!" She pulled us in for hugs. "I've heard so many things about you two."

"Summer, Y/N, this is Wren, my girlfriend."

"Oh. You two are adorable." I said walking back to Poppy.

We started walking to the changing rooms cause our heat was coming up. "Wait so did you get the spot."

"Yeah, I did. But maybe mentioning that Ari had a girlfriend would've been nice."

"Hey, don't let it get to your head. You are here to surf and make the team. Focus on that." I took a deep breath and put my wetsuit on.

"Someone could've told me about Wren." Summer said walking in.

"Well you've been MIA for months, plus we have our own lives," Bodhi said.

"Don't worry Summer. I didn't know either. They don't tell us Americans anything anymore." I told her.

Bodhi and I were up first. Bodhi caught a good wave and got second place. I caught one but It was the worst wave ever and I came in last. My head had been non-stop thinking about Ari and Wren.

Some of the boys were up and I heard a name come over the speaker. Bax Radic
The name sounded familiar; from what I could see, he was pretty cute.

"Stop your staring." Poppy walked past me. I snapped out of my trance.

Marlon was up next so I stood by Poppy to support him. "Come on, Brazil!" I yelled.

"Come on Marze!" Poppy yelled.

He was just about to finish but then he fell off his board. He came out of the water and I went over to console him.

"Hey, Marze. No matter what happened out there you're still the best sufferer in my eyes." I hugged him. "Thanks, sunny."

After Ari's heat, he came up to talk to me. "Hey, you." He said. "Hey, that was epic out there." I said and he laughed.

"Thanks, but you rocked." I smiled. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good. I have a boyfriend, Jess." I looked to the ground. "That's great." He said surprised.

"Yeah, he's amazing...but you have Wren! She's great." I smiled. "Yeah, she's awesome."

"Well, we should go. Poppys up," I told him. "Yeah, Wrens up too."

We joined the others and watched Poppy and Wren surf. But then Summer jumped in. She crushed it but ruined Wren's chances.

We headed to Ari's house for a little get-together to see who made the team. Wren walked in with the pink-haired boy from earlier. All I could do was stare.

"Hey, I've seen him before." Summer said.

"Wren's brother Baxter. He's a pyro, so you two should get along." Bodhi said to Summer. "Apparently after nationals last year at Carvers Bay, Baxter burnt down the Boardriders Clubhouse. He got kicked off the Queensland team and they moved down here."

"He's also Y/N's new eye candy," Poppy said putting up her phone.

"Please, I have a boyfriend," I said not breaking eye contact with Bax.

"Yeah, you say that but you haven't
taken your eyes off of him since he got here." Summer said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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