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"Yeah, I'm Brynn. What's it to you?"

 What's it to you?"

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Brynn's POV

"Day two is going to be crazy." Rosa spoke looking at me and Collin.
I laughed.
"I hope so." I replied.
"You should sing with me." Colin said looking at me.
"What song?" I asked.
"Fever dream." He replied.
"My favorite? Sure." I spoke.
He laughed.
"I figured it that was that one or in my arms." He replied.

I changed into an easier outfit to preform in.
Blue shorts and white tank.

"I'm so tired man" I complained.
Collin just laughed.
"Too bad you've got a show to put on."

"What's up warped tour?? I'm Collin of grayscale and I'd like to welcome one of my friends on stage today." He spoke into the microphone eating squeals from a few people.

"Brynn Lawrence get your ass on stage!" He yelled.
I laughed and ran out on stage.

Third person POV

"We're gonna sing a little song for you guys today. This one is called fever dream."

"I'm ashes, post-flame
All the coal that disintegrates
I'll just lie here quietly
Sink into the earth's defeat" Collin sang looking at the crowd then turning to face Brynn.
Brynn took over the next verse of the song.
Awsten and his band mates were backstage waiting for their que.

Awsten couldn't help but get stuck watching her.
She got so lost in the music. You could tell she really loved doing this.
"So sit down, shut up! I don't know how I let you lead for so long!" Collin sang keeping eye contact with Brynn.
She put the microphone up to her red lips and sang the next line.
"right now, you're only holding me back."

Collin and Brynn harmonized and snag the next lines together.
"Cause I'm not where I wanna be. And you're not who I wished you were. So I'll rest my eyes and we'll try in another life."

Awsten couldn't help but notice how easily their voices molded together.
They fit perfectly in synch.

"Thanks for having me Col." she spoke.
He laughed and said anytime.

"I think it's your turn to preform anyways." Collin spoke.
Brynn nodded and the crowd cheered.

Collin and his band mates walked off stage.
"Okay so I decide to change my sound. And I'd like to sing an unreleased song for you guys." She said.
The crowd erupted into a bunch of cheers and screams.

"This one's called we never dated."

Holding on to moments that are no longer mine
Swear I'm not crying, there's just something in my eye
Loving you is hard, but I know loving me is harder
Wish we had a little longer
Said your girlfriend hates me 'cause she knows how you felt
Does she know I'm jealous or could you never tell her
That I looked at you with hearts in my eyes?
Would you be surprised?
So I'll delete your number, pretend you don't exist
Tell myself it's nothing but we both know it is
If you ever called me, to tell me you want me, then I'd tell you too, mmm-mmm
I'll be waiting for you

You could easily notice the energy shift as she sang this song.
She flipped her hair out of her face.
Brynn could feel eyes on her. She wasn't sure if it was the crowd or not.
She turned around mid song and saw awsten knight staring at her.
Their eyes met but she looked away and finished up the song.

I still keep your sweater at the back of my drawer
I put it on when my heart needs moral support
Missing you is hard but I hope missing me's harder
Does the distance make us fonder?
Tell your girlfriend that I hate her too
'Cause you never looked at me the way that you looked at her
Like you're sure with hearts in your eyes
Why am I so surprised?
So I'll delete your number, pretend you don't exist
Tell myself it's nothing but we both know it is
If you ever called me, to tell me you want me, then I'd tell you too, mm-mm
I'll be waiting for you, I'll be waiting for you
I'll be waiting for you, I'll be waiting for you
I'm still waiting for you

"Thanks for having me warped tour! Again I'm Brynn Lawrence!" She spoke.

She walked off of stage.
Awsten took that as his chance to say something to her, anything.
He gently grabbed her wrist causing her to turn around in confusion.
"Uh hi?" She asked kind of panicking.

Awsten noticed and let go of her wrist immediately.
"You're Brynn right?" He asked.
"Yeah.. I'm Brynn. What's it to you?" She spoke.
Awsten was taken back by her attitude. But it could also be because he grabbed her wrist.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get off on the wrong foot. I'm awsten, with a W. You have an amazing voice by the way." He spoke sincerely.

"Cool. Nice to meet you. And thanks." She replied smiling softly at the boy with neon bright hair.
Her friends cut awsten off.

"I'll talk to you later." She said before running off to a group of girls.

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