Chapter 4

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Other than being kicked out of the library due to Eli's childish antics, our next study session seems to be going unexpectedly well.

We move our books and papers to his dorm room and stay on track after that. Well, except for Eli sticking pencils in his nose like a walrus, of course, in a desperate attempt at making me laugh. He ceases this endeavor after finding no amusement on my face.

Eli does have a surprisingly attractive trait to his advantage: he's incredibly intelligent. I'm shocked and amazed at how such a colossal brain could live in such a goofy, seemingly childish 19-year old's skull. At 1,352 years old, I had never expected for Eli to be teaching me, nor has a mortal ever been able to outsmart me before.

As I quiz him with the flash cards, he knows each definition to words, theorems and historical events which I'd never before heard of.

I realize for the first time that Eli could get a girlfriend without all of the partying, new clothes and haircut, especially after graduating college. That and after he grows up a bit first.

Taking in his newfound sense of style, I mentally give Vance credit for one thing and one thing only. Eli looks good.

Eli is rambling on about a topic I have no knowledge of and I begin tuning him out. I cringe when my eyes inadvertently land on Vance's side of the room. In little over a week, his space is already cluttered.

His miniature bottles of cologne line the windowsill, hoodies, sweatpants and leather strewn about the floor on his side, and an open pizza box with one slice left sits on his nightstand. I do notice something I had never seen before. A Walkman cassette tape player lies on his bed with at least 10 cassettes nearby.

It's all just so him that for a moment I feel a small twinge behind my ribcage, a sensation unfamiliar to me now. I don't stay in my feelings for long, as something Eli says catches my attention.

"Wait, can you repeat that last part?" I blurt, backpedaling the conversation.

"I was just telling you about the party Vance got us into tomorrow night at a sorority house- I'm so hyped for it," he gushes. I roll my eyes in obvious disapproval of Eli attending parties.

"You said Vance got you into this party?" I question curiously.

"Yeah, a girl he's seeing invited us. What was her name again- oh yeah, VERONICA, that's what he said her name was," Eli chatters away happily.

Of course, he has to always be sleeping with someone. Why am I even surprised? Still, I feel a small flame flicker out somewhere in the deeper parts of my psyche, although I'm not sure why.

Not long after that as if we'd summoned a demon by even speaking his name, Vance strides into the dorm room. As usual, Eli's face lights up when he sees him. I don't think it's cute at all how Eli follows him around like a golden retriever, because he deserves much better company.

Vance doesn't acknowledge us when he walks past. He appears to be frantic, in a hurry. For a second I ponder if he even knows we're here. Without so much as a glance in our direction he waves at Eli and goes back to searching for something.

He seems to find what he's looking for, his face lights up with recognition. As he's practically sprinting to the door, I get a glimpse of the item cradled in his arm. A motorcycle helmet?  Before either of us can ask him what he's up to, he's gone again.

Curiosity quickly gets the better of me. "I think I'm going to- I'll just be right back," I excuse myself hurriedly. I scurry after Vance, attempting to keep my footsteps light as not to give myself away. If he catches me "stalking" him, he will never let me live it down. I just know he would call me a hypocrite. 

I know I shouldn't have a care in the world about what Vance does in his free time.

When we reach the parking lot, I hide behind a stone pillar to stay out of line of vision. I watch as he walks up to his motorcycle. Wait how did he get a motorcycle? He probably stole it.

I'm about to turn on my heels and plod my way back to the dorm wing, but something keeps me rooted in place like a gargoyle statue.

To my incredulity, a pretty brunette joins Vance at the motorcycle. My shock turns into simmering discomfort as she fixes his jacket, rises onto her tip-toes, and plants a fervent kiss on his pouty lips.

It stings more than I'd ever expect it to, and I look away in embarrassment.

It's only when she pulls away from him that it occurs to me that I know this girl.

She's in my psychology class, always mocking and making fun of the girls in front of her with her little friends. She acts like a high school bully who never grew the hell up and peaked in high school.

Vance brushes a strand of hair away from her face and cups her chin in his hand delicately before fastening the motorcycle helmet over her head.

My discomfort turns into a boiling fury, and yet, I'm not sure exactly why. Vance can do whatever the hell he wants, and I actually hate him. So why do I feel as though I've just taken such a hard blow to the stomach? I suddenly feel winded, as if I need to sit down.

The feeling only worsens as I watch her climb onto the back of the motorcycle and wrap her slender arms around Vance's waist. He revs the engine and takes off out of the parking lot, Veronica's glossy hair flowing behind her in the breeze.

I flip off a switch somewhere deep inside, the switch that controls my feelings. Feelings are a weakness when you have a job to do. I remind myself that I'm here for a reason and he is not that reason.

It's time to do a little shopping of my own. I have a party to attend. For Eli, of course.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter and thank you so much for all of your comments, likes and support<3 Here are some questions for you:)

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Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter and thank you so much for all of your comments, likes and support<3 Here are some questions for you:)

1. What do you think Charlotte will wear to the party?

2. How do you think Charlotte and Vance know each other?

3. What do you think of Veronica so far?

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