6. Crying doesn't make u weak

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After 2 days , 5pm Evening 

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After 2 days , 5pm Evening 

Vaish was still unconscious in these two days but today morning , she had opened her eyes



Abhi was sitting beside Vaishu holding her hand.

Abhi: U know Vaish , everyone's worried for u including me , I know you can feel it , your sister Avu is so protective for u I can feel it , everyone is waiting for u to get your conscious , please wake up Vaish (broken state)

Abhi continued talking to unconscious Vaishu , his crush

Outside , in the hospital canteen

Sid came in the canteen to have a something , after buying sandwich and tea , his eyes were searching for an empty seat when he saw Avu sitting there , he smiled and sat there

Avu was in thinking something so deeply , that she didn't even realize when Sid came and sat beside her , when Sid shaked her , she came back realizing Sid sitting there

Sid: Back to Earth Neet....What happen , What were u thinking??

Avu: Umm...Wo Woh...Um Noth..Nothing , I am fine (stammering)

Sid: Neet , We are Best Friends yk , and remember u can tell me anything , I am always there for u

Avu: I know Sid , I am rn feeling like to went my anger and pain out.

Sid: Hmm , Come with me (Holding her hand gently)

Avu: Aree But where and Why??

Sid: Do You Trust Me Neet

Avu's Pov

Do I trust him??

Of course, he is my best friend , and friendship happens only when we trust each other with everything

Yess , I Trust Him

End of Pov

Avu: Yess I Trust You Sid

Sid: Then , just come with me , I am sure you won't regret

Sid informed Abhi , about them going out for fresh air , both sat in Avu's car and Sid drove to a really beautiful open area 

Sid informed Abhi , about them going out for fresh air , both sat in Avu's car and Sid drove to a really beautiful open area 

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