7. Bloody Road

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(Heyy Readers so sorry for not giving the update , I had an Inter-State High Level Coding competition to prepare for , and all the hardwork got paid , I got 1st in all of them)

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(Heyy Readers so sorry for not giving the update , I had an Inter-State High Level Coding competition to prepare for , and all the hardwork got paid , I got 1st in all of them)

So Lets Continue ~



Avu and Sidshek together took Vaishu home after signing the discharge papers , reaching Singhania Mansion they took Vaishu inside where Nai was sitting with an impatient look in his face. As soon as he saw them coming , he just ran towards Vaishu and gave her a warm hug.

Nai: Sweetie , I feel so good seeing u back baccha , I missed my Shinchan so much 

Vaishu: I missed u too Papa (hugging back)

(Avu was witnessing everything with a faint smile)

Vaishu: Gem , I wanna talk to you . It's really important

Avu: di you should rest for now , you got discharge just half an hour ago and.... 

Vaishu: It's about me going to that Bloody Road (cutting her)

Avu: (Sighing in worry) Okay..

Vaishu: but not here , lets go to my room

(Vaishu and Avu goes to Vaishu's room and Vaishu lies down keeping her head in Avneet's lap and Avu starts caressing her hair softly)

Vaishu: So what happened is...


Scene skips to the morning after Sidneet's night chat (Chapter 4. Feeling Different)

VAISHU's pov

I woke up earlier than my usual time, at 6:30, even though I typically rise at 8. I tried to drift back to sleep for a while, but it eluded me. It seemed like my sleep was disturbed, so I decided to get up again. I refreshed myself and headed out for a morning drive.

I had planned to visit the Miraculous Garden, a serene haven that always brings me solace. As I headed towards Yellowsnow Road, my path was unexpectedly blocked. I decided to take a right turn, unaware of the haunting memories associated with this unfamiliar route—a road that, unbeknownst to me, was Booger Hollow Road.

A sense of familiarity struck me as I traversed the winding path, and suddenly, my fears were confirmed. The chilling memories of a haunting past flooded my mind, sending shivers down my spine. Despite my trepidation, I found myself driving through that unsettling stretch.

Lost in my distressing thoughts, I failed to notice an approaching car from my right. In a harrowing moment, my vehicle was sent spiraling into the air, crashing down and flipping upside down. The shattering of glass pierced my skin, inflicting sharp pain that made me wince.

As I struggled to reach for my phone, it slipped away, out of my grasp. Overwhelmed by excruciating pain, I began to lose consciousness. Through my fading vision, I glimpsed a man smirking at me—a face vaguely familiar, though I couldn't place where I had seen him before.

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