Chapter 30: Jelly not a Fish

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🪼Jelly not a Fish🪼


I woke up with tears in my eyes. Wet cheeks as if I've been crying the whole night. The moment I opened my eyes, the memory of my dream faded. Fragments, one by one, gone in an instant by the time. My breathing didn't sound good but I managed to slow down less to hyperventilating.

"Are you alright?" Sage greeted me. But I saw first Rijo standing, leaning beside the wall. Later I noticed the amount of people in the room with me, and realized they've been probably with me while I slept.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"It's obvious that you're not alright," Tori chimed in.

"Then is he all left?" Noah asked. It placed laughter to some, though Tori nudged him.

"I had a dream...maybe that's why my eyes seemed swollen. I don't know."

"Real. Hungover dreams are my worst nightmares! I've had one before I woke up," Clarity shared.

"What dream?" asked Tori.

"I...don't remember."

Sage went to start a conversation, scolding included, "Rijo brought you home. You went to the forest, alone at night. No, at midnight."

"You were sleeping like you were dead on his back when you returned," Clarity added.

"You know how dangerous it is!? What if there are snakes or even crocodiles? What if you got injured running like a prey... Why do I even blame you. It's not even you're fault." He turned his head to Rijo. "Why did you let him drink? You know what will happen to a person with low alcohol tolerance do? Of course, you didn't know. You're-"

"It's not his fault. I insisted. He tried hiding the bottle but I still went for it," I took the blame. It was my fault in any ways.

"No, it's not your fault," Rijo cut me off. "It's mine."

"Wait!" Surprised that Tori raised his voice. She seemed stressed already. "It's no ones fault. Okay?"

Silence crawled to the room. It was awkward that people kept staring at me without opening their mouths. As seconds passed, it made me uncomfortable with the amount of unnecessary worries they plant between their looks. 

"I also found something," Rijo spoke between the silence, perhaps breaking the awkward atmosphere. I turned my attention to him. He pulled himself from leaning and walked towards me. Sage blocked him with his left hand from coming closer to me. He stopped and continued, "your bag... I found it at the lake bay."

"Really?" I said even though there was no doubt in me. 

He nodded. "They helped me hang the wet clothes last night, and your bag. Lucky for you, the river must be connected to the lake." 

I tilted my head out of confusion, "Why are you at the lake?"

He gave an expression which directly told me what could he be saying in his head, 'Of course, he doesn't remember.' He crossed his arms while I try to remember what happened last night. As far as I remember, I pushed him to give me a sip of alcohol, but I kind of broke it and drunk half, I think. That's as far as the story, I know, go. Then I felt a rush of heat within me as if I'm about to throw up my own stomach. 

"I was finding you. We were. You've been out for half an hour until I found you sleeping on the ground," he said.

I nodded in realization. Guilt and embarrassment building up in me. "Sorry." I felt like tearing up but gave my all to sponge in my eyes. 

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