Chapter Five 🧸

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After a while on the boat, we finally arrived to the island. Karl and Sapnap got off the boat first, as I was getting off, Sapnap held his hand out to me which I graciously took as he helped me down. "M'lady." He said bowing as I slowly came down.

Once we were fully on the beach, Jimmy had us sit down on a few logs he had set up by the shore and recorded a introduction to the video, explaining what we were doing.

I was sitting next to Sapnap, kind of thinking about the things I've already dnt with him since he's been here. It wasn't a lot but it feels like we've done it so many times before.

As I was daydreaming, I looked down at Sapnaps hand, which was right next to mine, then I glanced at his face and he was fixated on what Jimmy was saying, I interlocked my pinky with his and acted like I didn't notice.

I felt Sapnap slip out of my grip and then slid his hand under mine, holding my hand. I felt my face turn red and I glanced at him, he was already looking at me and smirking softly.

I quickly looked away and stared at the fire in front of us.

I stayed focused on the fire until I heard Jimmy say my name.

"Today we have two guests who are participating in this week's survival video, Y/N and Sapnap!" He said, the camera training on me and Sapnap. He waved and smiled at the camera and I awkwardly wave with my free hand.

After Jimmy was done explaining the survival challenges and rules, he clapped.

"Alright, first thing to do is build a shelter.. Chris build our shelter." He said through a chuckle, Chris responded with a groan and walked around grabbing sticks and twigs of all sizes.

I didn't know what to do so I kinda just lingered by the fire until Jimmy said to do something else.

Chandler had the same idea as me, he had already took off his shirt and was laying on the shore of the beach.

"I should've made this a 50 hour video, why did we settle on a week?" Jimmy asked, to which Chandler responded with "It was your idea!"

After a while of Chris building the shelter and bossing people around to help him, we had finally got a shelter and fire.

Jimmy then took off his bag and took out a bunch of "Just Add Water" meals and water bottles. "What did you bring in your box, Karl?" He asked. Karl opened his box with a bit of a struggle and started taking out nutrigrain bars, cliff bars, water, "Just Add Water" meals, a few sleeping bags and two small pillows.

"Whyd you only bring two pillows if there's.." He looked around at the group, "Six people?" He added. "Well I brought me and Y/N one. They're all I had and since she's the only girl she gets it, right?" He explained, handing me a pillow and a sleeping bag.

Jimmy shrugged, "Fair enough." He took out the sleeping bag he had packed.

It was starting to get dark and everyone had set up their sleeping bags, Karl was kind enough to bring his spares and give them to me but that meant Sapnap didn't have one.

During my freetime I built another small shelter for me because I didn't want to sleep with five boys, and to be honest i was pretty proud of it.

I laid down and stared at the ocean, I heard Jimmy talking to the camera explaining how we were about to go to bed and that he was already over this survival video.

The camera came over to me and Tareq asked me how I was holding up.

"I'm fine, I just can't believe I agreed to staying a week on an island with a bunch of people I barely know." My response made Tareq chuckle. After he was done interviewing me, everyone was going to bed.

As I was drifting to sleep I heard someone walking over to me, I got a bit scared and hid under my sleeping bag a bit and acted like I was still asleep.

I felt someone shake me gently, and heard a familiar voice. "Y/N? Are you awake?" He asked, I turned to him and realized it was Sapnap.

"What? Why are you still up?" I asked him, he sat down next to me. "I can't sleep. It's cold and Karl won't share his sleeping bag with me." He said, laying his head against the tree I attached my shelter to.

I sighed and uncovered myself a bit, "Here, just go to sleep." I said, turning around and laying back down. Sapnap covered himself and laid down.

I felt him put his arm around me, and he put his hand in mine. I didn't mind, I was cold and his touch was warm and comforting.

After a minute of laying there, I felt him take my pillow. "Hey!" I whispered loudly, turning around and facing him. He put his arm where my head was. "My neck was hurting." He said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and used his arm as a pillow.

He still had my hand in his, I felt him rub my hand with his thumb and he pulled me closer.

The way he was holding me, the way my body was against his made my heart race, I was cuddling with Sapnap and he did it willingly. The first time I thought he was just being nice but now I'm thinking otherwise.

(A/n: I don't have a bf irl 😼)

>Sapnap POV

I felt so comfortable around her, the smell of her hair, the way her eyes glistened in the sunlight, how soft her skin was. Everything about her was so perfect in my eyes.

Her voice was like a melody, the way her hair shimmers in the sunlight when it hits her just right sends shivers through my body. I loved her. I was in love with her.

I admired her smooth skin as I held her hand. I moved my arm up and started playing with her hair, feeling the softness of it run through my fingers. (Idek 🧍🏻‍♀️)

She was so perfect.

Everything about her was perfect, and I can't get enough of her beauty.


After a while of Sapnaps gushy, private poems, and Y/N gushing over his touch they finally fell asleep.


Hehe :)

Published 1:43pm, December 29th.

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