Chapter Seven ✌️

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"Sapnap?" I was alone. I was walking in the wood of the island, searching for the others. I guess I had walked in my sleep, because I was in the middle of nowhere.

All I could see around me was trees and bushes. No sign of any light or life. I called out Sapnaps name once more, but this time nothing came out.

I was alone, hungry, scared, and I had lost my voice.

I heard something come up behind me.


It was Sapnap, I turned around happy to see him.

It wasn't my Sapnap.

His eyes were gone, his mouth was stretched ear to ear in an unhumaly smile.

He was much taller and lanky than he was before, and his skin had looked at if it was melted.

I guess he could sense I was afraid. He grabbed my shoulder as I was backing away and picked me up.

My screams were useless.

He carried me all the way to the other side of the island, and threw me down in front of a cave. I stood up and I wasn't on the beach, I was floating in the middle of the ocean, on a bit of land and this cave.

The other Sapnap was still there. "Y/N?"

He asked, I tried talking, again, nothing happend.

As I was about to go in the cave the Sapnap pulled me back, "Y/N, wake up." He said.

My eyes widened.

Again, but this time his voice was louder and more distorted. "Y/N WAKE UP."


I shot up from the ground, breathing heavily, it looked like the sun had just came up, I was in the same spot I had fell asleep in.

"Y/N, are you okay? You were moving around a lot.." Sapnap asked.

It felt like I was in that nightmare forever, I wrapped my arms around Sapnap and melted into his chest, crying.

Sapnap hugged me tight, "Shh.. its okay. Tomorrow we can leave if you want to, okay?" He said, rubbing my back.

I nodded, I didn't want to leave but that nightmare freaked me out. It felt real, but it wasn't. I felt that other Sapnap pick me up, I felt his hands. They weren't like my Sapnaps. They were clamy, dry and cold. His voice was raspy and sounded like he was dehydrated.

His smile gave me chills and I could feel his eyes on me even though they were gone.

I stood up and caught my balance, I followed Sapnap over to the fire and sat next to him. 

"Goodmorning guys, we're officially on day three of the challenge.  Tomorrow you guys can leave and loose 10k, or you can stay here and be bored out of your minds." He said, I was starting to have second thoughts on leaving.  I miss my bed, I miss my food and Dream and George are alone in my house which is something I don't want. 

"What if nobody leaves? Is there a different reason the boats coming out here?" Chris asked, taking a bite out of the last nutrigrain bar.

"Good question Chris. Yes, there is. It's bringing more supplies like food, rope, hatchetts, slingshots,  blankets.. all sorts of stuff in one crate. I know this is a survival video but come on, we didn't have anything." Jimmy laughed, "Anyways, it's time to add on and build onto our shelters."

I sighed and held my head, it slowly started to ache.

I stood up and started wondering around the beach, looking for anything to make my shelter better even though I knew I was going home now. I saw Chandler, who wasn't doing anything, laying underneath a tree.

Out of pure boredom, I went to talk to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked,  sitting beside him. "I'm going home, I had a weird dream last night and I just wanna go home." He said, putting his hands behind his head.

"What about?" I asked just to keep the conversation rolling, I didn't actually care I was just bored. "Well.. I was in the woods in a cave and I was trapped in spiderweb and stuff. I don't know it was weird." I was messing with a stick and was drawing in the dirt. "Oh, nice. Then what?" I asked, he kept talking but I zoned out.

"Y/N, come with me real fast." Sapnap said from behind me,  I stood up and turned around, "To where?" I asked, he shrugged, "I just don't wanna go anywhere alone." He added. I shrugged and followed him.

We walked a long ways out and were randomly picking things up and putting things down, grabbing sticks, rocks, stones, leaves, leek grass and dragging logs into a pile. We didn't know what we were doing,  we were just doing it.

After a while of grabbing things we brought it all back to camp and put it in a pile by my shelter. "Wanna help me reinforce it?" I asked him and he responded with a shrug.

We built onto our for a while,  making it more spacious as we could and putting up walls and a privacy curtain.  "Are you staying here tomorrow?" I asked him, he looked at me and smiled, "maybe,  it depends on if my Princess wants to." He said with a chuckle.

"You don't have to come home with me, youuu can stay and get the 10k, i don't mind." I said, tying some leek grass around the shelter. "Well I don't want you to be alone." He said, fixing some things on the shelter. "What about Dream and George?" I asked, "Even if they were still here you're still technically alone because they're more focused on each other than they are their own health." He said, rolling his eyes. "Oh did they leave?" I asked, glancing up at him. "Yeah, they were only staying to go in a date, buy some souvenirs and go home." He replied, sitting down.

I nodded, "Well I stink and I miss my bed." I said, sighing. "Understandable. I wanna go home too but Karl's our ride." He said, giving me a look. I chuckled, "True..."

After a moment of silence, Karl, Chris and Jimmy all came running back from the woods, they stopped at the fire, panting. "I think there's something else on this island." Jimmy said through breaths. "Tomorrow.. we're all.. going home." He said with an awkward laugh at the end.

When it was time to eat, barely anyone talked and since there was hardly any food left and we had no way of cracking open the coconuts we had collected, we all shared two bags of food.

I laid in my shelter and stared at the ocean through a crack, everyone else was still trying to eat the bit of food we had left. 

Sapnap came to the shelter, opening the privacy curtain, "Hey,  Jimmy needs to talk to us about something before we go to bed,  come on princess." He said, gently grabbing my hand and helping me up. I reluctantly followed him to the fire, wanting to get the night over with and go home. 

"Okay so,  since me, Karl, and Chris saw something in the forest, we decided it was a good idea to take night shifts to guard the camp overnight.  Who wants first watch?" He asked, I thought about it and first watch would be the best because I wouldn't have to wake up in the middle of the night and I wouldn't have to beup earlier than the others in the morning.

"I will." I said, not looking up from the fire. 
"Alright,  Y/N first.." He looked around, "I'll go next." Sapnap added, then it was Chris, Then Jimmy, then Chandler.

I sat against a tree, watching the water glisten against the moonlight. Sapnap was laying in the shelter and I could hear the others snoring. I sighed and laid my head against the tree. I didn't know how long I had to do this for, and I didn't wanna wake up Sapnap.

After maybe 30-45 minutes, I decided I wanted to go to bed. I walked over to Sapnap and shook him awake, "Yeah?" He asked, "It's your turn." I replied. He groaned and walked over to the fire, laying down. I laid by him because I didn't feel like being alone. "How long did you watch for?" He asked, "Maybe 30 minutes." I replied, closing my eyes. 

After he was finished, he woke up Chris and we both laid in our shelter,  I faced him and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his chest. 

1448 words.

Sorry this chapter took a while to publish I've been sick and honestly forgot to update and pay lol 😭 also happy new year!

Published January 2nd, 2024. 8:53pm

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