Chapter 23: Amenoma Kageuchi helps me

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Ayaka's P.O.V.,

"Brother! Thoma! Where are you?" I'm shouting, and calling their name but to no avail. I see thick fog that almost I cannot see everything like grass or trees. This fog came out of nowhere making us lost. about Paimon and Almighty Shogun?

They...oh no...

"Paimon! Almighty Shogun!" I'm calling their name too after I realize they are also lost.

This...this isn't good...

I'm tired so I decided to sit down on the grass. Sheesh, I cannot see anything except a thick fog shrouding me and the grasses near where I sit now. I squint my eyes, I'm trying to focus on the next road I have to go, but same, no avail. I sigh. I call my sword with my heart to pop out of my hand (just like how Genshin's characters let out their weapon). 

I look at my beloved sword deeply

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I look at my beloved sword deeply. This sword...has been with me for a long time. Since I trained how to start swinging it to the enemies until now. The sword it's so shiny, makes a reflection of me. I saw my face there, and my smile came.

"*Chuckle*, if only you can help me find my brother and my partners, how magic is that." I thought to myself, saying such nonsense to it.

Until I'm surprised...tears fall to my sword. I'm crying...again. I wipe them away with my sleeves.

"No...I don't have to cry. Remember what my brother told me, "A warrior never cries with their struggle, except one, they never see their loved ones ever again." 

Suddenly, my sword let out a bright light from the edge of it, I don't know if it was just a light reflection or just me. I look at the edge of the sword that still emits a bright light, then I follow where it crosses. Not long after, I see a road. Yeah...a road! Although it's still foggy, I can see the road's ground. Oh, my Archon... my thought it was right before? 

"If only you can help me find my brother and my partners, how magic is that."

"Thank you, my beloved sword. Now, let's continue!" I smile at my sword.


The sword leads me to the road but I'm not sure where I am now. I squint my eyes to see any details of where I am now. Then...I see...

A mountain! Oh, this mountain is the iconic figure of Tsurumi Island I guess

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A mountain! Oh, this mountain is the iconic figure of Tsurumi Island I guess. I always saw Tsurumi Island from afar and this mountain always shows out. Yes, the shape it's the same!

I slowly weep away the fog, I can see now that there is a hole in the mountain. I enter it and gladly the fog does not come inside, so I can see kinda clearly everything here.

 I enter it and gladly the fog does not come inside, so I can see kinda clearly everything here

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Wow! What a beautiful tree. And...

"Ayaka!" brother! And Thoma too! Both of them are sitting in front of the tree, oh how gladly.

Ayato directly hugs me tightly, as well as me, "Ayaka, I thought you're been kidnapped..." I could see his eyes were glassy.

"Brother, who also wants to kidnap me?" I can't hold back my tears too. "You know..." he answers.

I laugh at him, "The Fatui Killer? *Laugh*, no way." 

We hug again until Thoma comes and approaches us, "Same as me, Miss Kamisato. If you're gone-"

"Hi, c'mon, don't you all thinking like that. I'm alright." I engage Thoma to hug us too then he joins.

This moment...I miss this so much.

"Oh yeah, don't you guys want to go down there?" Thoma breaks the hug while crossing his finger somewhere. He's right, there's another road to go down deeper.

"Oh right, you both just stay in front of the tree?" I asked. "Well, basically I want to go down there to investigate but Mister Kamisato told me that he will not continue his journey without you, Miss Kamisato," Thoma explains.

I look at Ayato and he just smiles nervously at me, "*Laugh*, thank you, brother."

Because I'm already with them, we immediately go down to the other path to...somewhere.


The inside it's a mess

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The inside it's a mess. Hmm...of course, an abandoned island.

"Wooh, the atmosphere here's not good. Moist." Thoma is disgusted. "Yeah, it's an abandoned island anyway," I said. "Hmm, how about we go inside there." Ayato's finger crosses an open hole (you can see from the picture) and it seems to go somewhere again.

We all agree then we towards the hole.

Minutes guess 1 or 2 hours later...

"Nothing there, *panting*." I'm tired. 

"Wanna go rest for a while?" Ayato says.

We rest somewhere, I open my water bottle that I brought since I'm still in my house. I drink it but the water is not cold anymore. I let out my Cryo power then the ice cubes appeared, making the water become cold again. How refreshing.

"Umm, Miss Kamisato, can you do that for me too?" Thoma surprised me. I laugh then I do what I did to his water bottle.

"It seems my water has the same condition as you too, Thoma." Ayato too, huh. "Brother, can you just simply inquire for my power too?" I asked him. Thoma just laughed at him loudly.

His acts shy at me then after Thoma's I did Ayato's too.

"Thank you, my beloved sister." your welcome for that Mister Kamisato. "Thank you too, Miss Kamisato." and you too my maid. I drink fast because I need water so bad. 

Hmm...after such a long trip that I had before alone, how's Paimon and Almighty Shogun's condition? 

...I hope they're alright.


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