Let me in

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"I don't get it , why are you doing this we were doing fine !", Gun cried out.

"Gun , do you not realise what will happen if we are together ? You almost fucking died today. I can't risk that anymore , I am sorry but we need to break up", Tay said while looking to the ground.

"I am sorry , today was my fault , I should have been more careful. I swear it won't happen again ", Gun pleaded his boyfriend.

"No Gun , it's over now. We are not a thing ", Tay said.

"Tay , I will do anything , please don't do this to me. I will be more careful , I am telling you", Gun said.

"Gun just fucking get lost , anyway I don't really like you anymore anyway. Having sex with you was getting boring I was gonna find myself a new toy ", Tay blurts out.

He knew within his heart that everything he just said was all a lie but he needed something , anything that would save the person he loves.

"Oh so you gonna use this method ! I don't believe you ", Gun said.

"See I don't need someone like you to understand me , I only needed a sex toy and I got that and now my sex toy is getting too over himself so , bye bye , I don't need you anymore ", Tay said with attitude in his voice as his heart broke inside.

"Fine , I guess we really are over then", Gun said as he walked away with tears in his eyes.

He leaves Tay's apartment as Tay falls to the ground breaking down in tears as well. He loved Gun with all his heart , he didn't want to let go as well , but he didn't have a choice. Things were getting dangerous now and he needed to save Gun from it.


5 years later

The casino was lit as Tay entered inside. He goes to the bartendar and orders two shots. As he picks up one of them he turns towards the dancing people scanning each one , till he sees his target.

He smirks while looking at him as he seductively drinks his shot.

[You look like a duck who has his beak stuck in a cup , you are not seductive I repeat you are not seductive ]
A voice in Tay's earpiece said.

Tay was near to spitting the drink cause of the odd comparison. The person on the earpiece was his companion and also the left hand man of the boss. Both of them were on a mission right now to eliminate and enemy of their boss. They were known as the best pair but only they knew how they handled each other.

[Oh sorry , I didn't say that to you , this girl was trying to seduce me , it was to her ]
His partner said but Tay knew damn well that the line was meant for him.

Tay turned back at the bar as he kept the empty shot down and whispered back in his earpiece.

[ Just focus on the damn mission , don't annoy me New ]

[ Are we allowed to use real names here ? Aren't we supposed to use code names Mr.hippopotanmus]
New said.

[Why am I a hippopo-]

[ Get on your guard he is coming towards you seems like he likes ducks ]
New cut of Tay.

I am not a duck ! Tay cursed at New in his mind.

Tay then picked up his other shot and turned around to come face to face with his target. It was almost like a romantic scene just Tay was there to kill him.

"Care to share a drink with me ", The man said as he takes a sip from Tay shot and puts it back in Tay's hand.

"I don't share drinks ", Tay said as he kept back the half drunken shot on the table behind him.

"Then what do you share ?", The man asked seductively.

"The bed ", Tay said right on the mark making the man smirk.

Without any time delay they both end up in a private room.

[ Ok no cameras from now ! ]
New said as he causes disturbance in the cameras.

The man was close to kissing Tay and he punches him in the gut.

"What the fuck ", the man yells.

"Sorry man , but I had different intentions here ", Tay said as takes out his gun.

[ You only have twenty seconds to kill him and come out ] New says.

[ Why the fuck only 20 ?] Tay argues.

[ 20, 19 , 18 ] New starts to count as Tay panics.

He quickly shoots the gave in vital organs to make sure he is dead and then staright away runs out.

As he comes out the back door , New is standing there holding his tablet through which he controls everything.

"You are one second late ", New says.

"Oh sorry , I didn't know you could only manage a twenty seconds disturbance for me ", Tay says sarcastically.

"Did I saw twenty seconds ? Oh sorry I meant twenty minutes ", New said as he turned the tablet towards Tay on how long the CCTV were going to be off.

"Damn you New !", Tay yelled as he ran after New.

New laughed as he quickly got in the car and locked all the doors.

"Let me in !", Tay shouts from outside as New laughed.

"First say please maybe then I'll open it ", New said as Tay gave him a pissed off face and kept banging on the car door.

After going at it for a few minutes Tay finally blurts out ,
" New please open the door ."

New finally unlocks it and Tay sits inside.

"You are so dead !", Tay said as he starts to strangle New , to save himself , New presses the accelerator and Tay falls back on his seat as New drives off.

"If you disturb me know I am gonna crash the car and we both die ", New said as Tay calms down and looks outside.

The car ride was silent for a while and soon enough they reached in a more populated region. They had stopped at a red light as a gay couple passes in front of them.
Looking at their height difference Tay suddenly gets reminded of Gun.

"Why are you staring at them like that? You look like a creep", New said.

Tay gives New a pissed off look before saying.

"Just remembering my first love, not that you would know anything about that  ", Tay said.

"Bold of you to say that. Even I have dated someone in the past. He was the best guy ever and I told him about everything , even that I was part of a mafia gang ", New said.

"What ! You told him you were a part of the gang? Didn't that make him run away from you ?", Tay said.

"No he loved me alot , he didn't mind it , but I guess it's my fault. I ended up pushing him away. What about you ? I am guessing yours broke away cause you lied about your identity ", New remarked.

"No , he was okay with that but I couldn't risk it. If we stayed together any longer I didn't know if I could save him. So it was best for us to break it apart ", Tay said.

"You say it like you made a great scarfice I bet anything he just dumped your ass ", New teased.

"No he didn't ! ", Tay asserted the truth as the light went green and New started to drive to the secret hideout where their boss awaited them.

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