No problem

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"So he is going to be our leader ",  Tay commented as the meeting had finished.
The plan had been made and Gun was giving the information to Earth at that moment.

New and Tay were walking back to their car as Gun came running to them.

"Pack all your things , we are getting a flight tomorrow only ", Gun said.

"Ok , btw Gun , I know it's not any of our business but why did you join the gang ? Is it ,  cause of us ?", New asked.

Gun looked down before flashing them a sweet smile and saying ,

"I had my own reasons like you all did. Now go home and rest."

"He won't answer would he , I am worried that something bad happened", Tay said.

"Well , he is fine now that's what matters", New said.

"True , that's more important ", Tay added as the duo also takes their leave.

As their cars drive away , Gun watches them from inside the hideout , his smile not leaving his face.

The night was calm until it wasn't. Large banging sounds came from outside. Gun and Off who stay at the hideout got awaken by it. They both had been given a single room which had two beds.

They both look at each other and slowly get out of the bed , loading their  guns and sliding it into their pockets. They were in a serious mode which kind of made them look funny since they were wearing boxers.

The banging continued as they heard someone call for help. Gun peeps through the window , it was a boy asking for help. He seemed injured.
Earth who had come from the same sound looks at both his best men as he barely holds his laughter. Gun had a pink boxer of Hello kitty while Off had blue Mickey mouse boxers.

"We should help him ", Earth somehow managed to say without bursting out.

Gun and Off nod as Earth walks towards the door. Once he is a bit far away even those two start gigling cause Earth didn't seem to realise that even he didn't dress up before coming to the door.

"So this is how he sleeps ", Off whispered in Gun's ear.

"That poor boy outside is gonna have trauma ", Gun whisepred back.

Earth opens the door as the boy outside falls onto the ground and says ,

"Please help me ."

"Sure get in ", Earth says as the boy looks up with greatfull eyes which widen at the sight infront of him.

A 7 inch long dick hanging in front of his eyes as he looks up , a sight that was surely new to him. Earth only figures out his reaction when a cold gush of wind sweeps in and makes his whole body vibrate including his memebr.

Earth covers his vital part and runs back to his room leaving the injured boy confused.

"We would help you ", Gun said as he walked to the boy .

Gun and Off took it upon themselves to go and wear pants atleast while Earth made a fool of himself.

Gun helps with his injuries while Off sits besides them and just watches.

"So what's your name ?", Off asks.

" Mix ", the boy replies.

"How did this happen to you Mix ", Off continues with his questions.

"I ran away from home , I stole all the money I could but well, I got robbed and beaten up. They wanted to sell me at some auction and now I am here ", Mix said.


"He is on time ???!!!", New and Tay exclaimed as they saw Gun and Off waiting for them at the airport.

"I told him out flight is at 5 am after that he woke up at 10 ",  Gun remarked.

They had a flight at 1 pm and they would land the next day at 7. It was an 18 hour flight , something that would give them a good amount of jet lag.

"How can you be so non punctual ", New commented.

"My wish , let's go now ", Off said as he walked to get his boarding pass and other requirements.

"Why are all our seats so far away ?", New asked.

"Well , we have to stick together for a long time after the flight so I felt it would be good if everyone gets me time during the flight ", Gun said.

"Good thinking ", Tay said as Gun smiled.

After one hour they had boarded the plane. All the other passengers were also getting on board. Many included forgeiners as well that were going back home after a trip.

"I want the window seat !!!!", the child cried beside Gun. Gun was in aisle seat and the window seat there was an emergency exit so they couldn't let a child sit next to it.

"You can sit in my seat ", Off's voice came as he walked to the boy.

"Really , thanks ", the boy said as he ran off to Off's seat.

"Thank you so much ", the father of the boy said.

"No problem ", Off said as he sat in the middle seat.

"Giving up your seat is giving up your personal space you know", Gun whisepred to Off.

"Doesn't matter , I don't care", Off said.

"Of course you don't ", Gun said as he puts on his earplugs and took out a drawing notebook.

He draws. Off thought as he stared at the drawing Gun made.

"Why is the sky and water a different blue ?", Off says as he looks at the drawing.

"What do you mean ?", Gun asked.

"Well, doesn't water appear blue because it reflects the sky , then why is the colour different in your drawing ", Off said.

"Different waters have different colours.
Every heard of Cape Camorin . It's a place where two different seas and the Indian Ocean meet and they all have different colours . It depends on the consistency of salt and current and stuff like that ", Gun said.

"You know , the Right Fin group have a very good knowledge of Geography ", Off said.

"And the Left Fin group are very inquistive, what are you trying to get at ?", Gun said.

"Who are your parents ?", Off asked.

"My father worked at a shoe factory which burnt down a few years ago. If you search on the net you would find out about it. As for my mother , she died giving birth to me", Gun said.

"Who raised you ?", Off asked.

" Foster parents ", Gun said.

"So you aren't a child of the Right Fin", Off said.

"No I am not but you are a child of the left Fin aren't you ", Gun said.

"Yes I am ", Off said.

"No hesitation in admitting it", Gun remarked.

"I mean it's not a bad thing, we are fucking loaded", Off said.

"Then why were you kicked out", Gun teased as Off got at a loss for words.

"I....... ", Off hesitated to say.

"We came for a trip here and before going back i was upset we didn't get ice cream. I yelled alot and said I am leaving the family and all", Off shamefully recited .

"You got kicked out over ice cream", Gun said in disbelief.

" No I had actually calmed down later on and was going to go back to my family but I suddenly had to use the washroom and the plane had left so I got left behind. Luckily the boss found me and took me in", Off said.

"You are so unpredictable", Gun remarked as he went back to drawing.

(Author's note : This would be a short story )

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