Part 4

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*In the morning*

*Jeonghan POV*

(I woke up in an unfamiliar room, well not going to lie but the room was really pretty, that's when someone came in the room, I looked at him and was shocked that person was none other than "S. Coups")

S. Coups: Oh, you awake? *Said and went towards him*

Jeonghan: What are you doing here?

S. Coups: Well, it's my house

Jeonghan: Then why am I here?

S. Coups: Cause, I ordered by men to bring you here? And from today you are going to stay here

Jeonghan: And why would I do that?

S. Coups: Because that's my order

Jeonghan: I am not your servant to follow your orders

S. Coups: Do whatever you want you won't be able to get out of this house until I say you to go out, Yoon Jeonghan

Jeonghan: H....How do you kn..ow my name?

S. Coups: You want to hear more? Yoon Jeonghan, 28 years old, a well know doctor at XXX hospital, you father died when you were 11 years and you are really close to your mom, am I right?

Jeonghan: Yah, did you send some people to spy at me, huh? I am getting out of here

S. Coups: You won't be able to get out of this mansion , until I let to go out

Jeonghan: You see, I got legs too which are perfectly fine, so that means I can get out of this house

S. Coups: Then try getting out!

// Jeonghan got off the bed but he tripped he was about to fall but S. Coups caught him on time //

S. Coups: You are so clumsy

Jeonghan: I am not clumsy; I do random gravity checks! *He said sassily*

// S. Coups chuckled at him and let Jeonghan go, Jeonghan got out the room, turned left to go downstairs, he wasn't shocked seeing this Mansion as it was bigger than his apartment obviously, he went near the gate and was about to get out the guards standing near the door wouldn't allow him //

Jeonghan: Let me go!

Guard: Sorry but until Sir allows us to let you out, we can't let you out

Jeonghan: *He tried going out but was dragged in by the guard who was twice the size of Jeonghan*

// Jeonghan was left with no choice but to get back to the room and saw S. Coups sitting on the bed //

S. Coups: Oh, you are back? I thought you left already *He said teasing him*

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