Part 5

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Jeonghan: How long do I have to stay here? *He said as he went near Seungcheol*

S. Coups: Well, think this as your new house

Jeonghan: WHAT!??!

S. Coups: Yes

Jeonghan: Why are you doing this to me?

Seugcehol: Cause *He said and pulled him on the bed and pinned him to the bed*

// Their face was very close to each other that they could feel each other's hot breath //

S. Coups: Because I love you

// Jeonghan was started by the sudden confession //

Joenghan: Wha..t?

Seugcehol: Yes, I love you *He said and got his face closer* I know you don't love right now, but soon you will!

// S. Coups moved aways from Jeonghan who was still in shock //

S. Coups: My cloths are there in the closet, get freshened up and wear by cloths, I will take you to buy some cloths later, after you are done come down to get your breakfast

// He said and left from there, Jeonghan freshened up and went downstairs wearing shorts and a shirt which was covering his shorts and reviling his milky white legs //

// S. Coups chucked at him, as he was looking very cute //

S. Coups: You look cute in this dress, come have your breakfast

// Jeonghan sat down and said //

Jeonghan: Well, after buying stuffs can we go to my apartment? I have something that I want

S. Coups: Sure!

// That's when a cute little dog came running towards S. Coups, he picked him up and started talking to it //

S. Coups: Kuma, you slept well? You missed appa? *He said as he patted his dog*

// S. Coups noticed that Jeonghan was looking at the dog with a cute wide smiled so he asked him //

S. Coups: You want to hold him?

Jeonghan: Can I?

S. Coups: Sure! *He said and handed over Kuma to Jeonghan*

// Jeonghan was playing with the dog, S. Coups found the sight really cute and just kept smiling at it //

*Time Skips*

// Jeonghan and S. Coups were done with their shopping, and were now in Jeonghan's apartment //

Jeonghan: Sit down, I will go and get my stuffs!

// He said and went to his room, after some time he got a bag and a small photo frame, S. Coups looked at him confusion, but he didn't ask him that time //

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