Are you my Sasaeng?

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But when she turned around, she saw Taehyung standing there all well. She screamed loudly seeing him. Taehyung also screamed loudly seeing her.



"Is he a ghost?" She thought.

Taehyung pushed Y/N to a side and rushed towards the door. He was running at full speed while Y/N was yelling for him to stop.

Taehyung opened the door which opened at the rooftop and rushed out. But suddenly he got bumped into a wooden pole very hard. He stumbled a bit and then fell down on the ground being unconscious.

Jungkook's POV:

I was watering the plants at my roof top. Just then I heard a sound. When I looked up, I saw Y/N's cousin bumping into a pole. Then he fell down on the ground.

Seeing him unconscious, I placed the water shower on a side and jumped over the small wall to Y/N's roof.

Author's POV:

Y/N aso came running outwards. She saw Taehyung unconscious on the ground. Just then Jungkook also came there.

"Oh no!" Y/N said.

"Let's take him to hospital." Jungkook said to Y/N while looking at the man lying on the ground unconscious.

"WHAT! N-no, oppa is a-alright." Y/N said while trying take Taehyung's body in her hold.

"Did you hit your head somewhere? See, his unconscious by bumping into this pole. We should take him to hospital." He said.

"I said there is no need. He is definitely alright." She said and dragged Taehyung inside before closing the door.

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders before leaving to his house.


Y/N was sitting on the floor while back facing unconscious Taehyung. She was thanking the God.

"Taehyung is alive! That means I'm no more a murderer." She said to herself.

"Oh my almighty God! Thank you so much for giving me a chance to live a life without being a murderer." She said while looking towards ceiling with folded hands.

Taehyung's POV:

When I opened eyes, at first my vision was blurred. In few seconds it got settled to normal. Where was I? I saw that I was tied with a rope.

I heard some mumblings. When I looked up, I saw there a girl sitting on the floor while mumbling something. Who is she? I tried to remember where I saw her.

Suddenly a blurred event flashed in front of me from the night when I was walking in an alley and got hit in head. Before loosing my senses, I saw a blurred image of the same girl's image that day.

I looked around in the room. There I saw an I'd card on the table which was adjacent to me. I read the name on the I'd card.

"Yun Y/N."

Where I have heard this name? I tried to remember. Yes, I got it now. She is the girl from that coffee company.

"Hey, what are you?" I asked in a loud voice enough for her to hear me.

Author's POV:

"Huh? You woke up?" Y/N said when she saw Taehyung.

"What are you? A kidnapper?" He asked.

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