Chapter 3

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(Welcome!! Lance here, I hope you enjoy enough to read past chapter 1! Enjoy your read!)

She picks up the leaf and wakes everyone up gathering them around "Breakfast!" She says putting the leaf down opening it to reveal the freshly cooked fish. Everyone grabs a fish and starts eating sitting around the open fire.They had just finished up breakfast and are putting out to the fire, before gathering up their stuff to set off to the next village Percy walks up to lance while she's by her stuff disassembling her makeshift spear, he sits next to her "I didn't know you could be so inventive" she smiles "Well I've picked up some things here and there" He chuckles at her response, they start talking about stuff that they both find interesting.

After a bit of chatting they all decided to gather their stuff and set off to the next town carrying their things on their backs, along the road they made many pit stops for bathroom breaks, eating, and to rest. However once they got to the next town it was dark out, in this dark period it would be almost impossible to see if it weren't for the lights outside houses, buildings, and lamp-posts. Bats fly in the night sky dimly illuminated by the crescent moon that made it slightly less dark out, as they walk the streets of this town they come across a sign saying 'Oni's Inn'. "Good a place to stay at, I'm tired. And hungry." Says Scanlan egar to eat and go straight to bed, the group agrees and they all walk in the direction the sign was pointing to.

As they arrive at the inn Lance opens the doors walking In and holding said doors open for the rest of the party, once they were all in lance closes the doors then walks up to the front desk "Excuse me, can we have rooms for 8?" She asks politely, the person at the front desk replies "Of course! I have 4 rooms two for each! That will be 10 gold peaces please!" She holds out her hands, Lance reaches into her pocket and gets out 10 gold pieces "Thank you" she says as lance places the pouch in her hands, the lady spills out the gold coins counting them before putting them away. She then hands Lance the 4 keys for each room and a copy coming with each key. The party walks over to a table, lance sets out the 4 separate keys with there copy's on the table and a bag full of 236 gold pieces "In this bag there is enough money for food and rent for the next month or so" she says calculating the numbers in her head using her fingers to count.

 "I don't think we should stay that long though.. We still need to find the guild and ask for help to defeat the dragons" Pike says scratching the back of her neck Percy nods his head agreeing with Pike "That might take some time though so just in case we will continue to stay here" He says rubbing his chin while thinking. Land hums in agreement "Ill get us some food then y'all can sort out who goes were for rooms" she stands up and walks over to the food stand in the inn waving her hand as she walks away. As the rest of the group talks waiting for their food they decided that the siblings would share a room, Pike and Scanlan would share a room, Grog and Keyeleth would share a room, then finally Lance and Percy would share a room. 

Lance walks back with two trays off food, she sets the trays down and sits down at a stool after she passes out equal servings for everyone. Once everyone has eaten they all go to their respective rooms, Lance walks into her's and Percy's room first to change, once she is change Percy walks in and he is already in his pajamas, Lance tries to keep her eyes on his as she looks at him though her eyes can't help but wander in curiosity. Percy noticing her gaze smirks and chuckles softly as he sits down on his bed facing her direction "Like what you see?" He says in a low husky tone, Lance's face flushes with embarrassment of being caught she looks into his eyes her face getting even redder before looking away. He. Chuckles at her shyness finding it refreshing, he proceeds to stand up and walk towards her placing a hand on her cheek moving her face to look at him, she blushes a lot at the closeness and looks into his eyes, enchanted by their beauty she continues to stare into his eyes like she was lost in a trance. 

His lips purse into a sly smile as she stares rubbing his thumb over her cheek he leans in slightly, she returns the gesture by connecting their lips as she does so he tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss his eyes open slightly as he stares at her lips, on the other hand lance has her eyes closed as she kisses him back her hands creeping up his chest and over his shoulders then around his neck. The kiss lasted long as their intertwined lips moved in sync as the kiss quickly grew heated their tongues intertwining as they kiss, the passion shared between the two grew thick, and as they parted a line of saliva connects their tongues.

They started into each other's eyes longing for each other, both Lance's and Percy's hot with embarrassment. Lance smiles softly as she looks down at her hands and hugs him holding him close, he returns her action by hugging her back holding her close to his chest, they stay like that for a bit enjoying each other's warmth "We should go to bed.. Do you wanna.. Lay down with me?.." Lance asks a bit timid but Percy simply chuckles parting slightly to look into her eyes "Yes I'll sleep in you're bed with you" he says rubbing his thumb over her cheek again.

(Thanks for reading!! Come again!! Lance out)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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