Nanno and yuri phootshoot

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Hi guys it's yuri and Nanno and we got some good news me and Nanno are together we have agreed to be with each other and we love each other's company

POV: Nanno wakes up and gets dressed and goes downstairs and realizes that there's a photo shoot today

(Nanno walks back in the room to wake yuri up)

Yuri hun wake up we have a photo shoot today so get dressed

(Yuri wakes up) okay here I come

*gets dressed and goes downstairs *

Hey yuri *looks at her *

Hi Nanno

*realizes Nanno is  looking at her *


huh oh sorry

It's okay so we matching outfits or no

Yea I don't wanna change

Me either

Soo where is this photo shoot

It's in downtown London

Okay are we driving or taking a Uber

Driving I really don't have money for Uber


*few hours later *

Hi guys I'm glad yall was able to make it to the photo shoot for the premiere of girl from nowhere

Yeah thanks for inviting us

No problem

*yuri puts her stuff down next to Nanno jacket and purse *

We ready

Okay great now follow me so we can get started

(Nanno and yuri took 9 pictures)

(Nanno and yuri took 9 pictures)

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These pictures looks great look Nanno

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These pictures looks great look Nanno

(Nanno looks at the pictures)

Omg these are beautiful I love them

Same here

*the photographer comes back *

Girls yall did amazing job on these pictures

Thank you

So I have a question for you girls

(The girl from nowhere music comes on )

What is it

A lot of people wanted to know if yall a couple

Yes we are ain't that right Nanno

Yep (Nanno replied with excitement)

I love yuri she's everything that I want

I love Nanno she's definitely a keeper

POV: the photographer comes in and tries to kill yuri and Nanno



(Yuri catches to bullet before it went towards her)

Nice try you got try a little harder than that

(Nanno grabs her gun)

(Yuri and Nanno shoots the photographer)

Come on Nanno let's get out of here

Okay I'm ready when you are

(They walk out the building and set it on fire)

POV: Nanno and yuri agreed that they are together and they been together for weeks now they want hide the truth from their fans because they wasn't ready to announce the relationship just yet

POV: Nanno and yuri have been waiting for this moment since they both got together and they want to say thank you to their fans for being there for them

And watch your back or you will be sorry

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