Nanno bloody family

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Hi everyone it's yuri Nanno left to get some guns but it's been awhile I'm so glad y'all back to read this next part of the story please to make you click on the star after you read this story.

And if you don't like a lot of blood and can't handle it you have every right to leave this story thank you and enjoy.

*Nanno walks in with a shopping bag*

Yuri hunny are you home?

Oh hi Nanno I was waiting for you to come back what did get from the store?

Some shotguns I figured we need them because the other guns ain't doing us no use.

Good point.

Where's the baby? *takes off jacket *

Well the baby moved with my mom and dad I don't want no murder around our child.

Good point I don't want people to think that we bad parents.

Yeah same imma watch some tv okay?


(Nanno gets a phone call)

Hello this is Nanno.

Hi I'm Kacey from the A.N.T company.

What's A.N.T ?

Anti network technology.

Oh okay what do guys do?

Well we make guns from our technology and make guns stronger and powerful as regular guns see we have a problem with your wife yuri she made fun of our company and we out to get revenge on her.

I'm sorry revenge?

That's right Nanno revenge and we also going to attack you and her so if I was you I'll watch my back.

(Phone hangs up)

Baby who was that on the phone?

That was the A.N.T company.

Ohhh they problem want to get revenge on me.

What did you say about the company yuri?

I said it sucked and the technology is complete trash but don't worry imma ask my mom to come over because back home she part of the K.K.P.O company.

What do that mean?

It means kill knock people out they kill people and knock people completely out.

That's crazy cool.

(A.N.T plane flew into the kitchen)

Kacey ?

Hello yuri and hello Nanno didn't expect me to come by.

No we didn't I know that Nanno spoke to you on the phone but you guys came so quick.

Okay cut the crap yuri we here to kill you .

Not if I had anything to do with it.

(Yuri mom comes with her company)


Hi yuri thank you for telling what happened and if you want to kill yuri you have to get through me first.

Okay (kills yuri mom 21 times)

*blood comes out of her chest *

That's it (Nanno grabs the shotgun)

*shoots Kacey 30 times *

(Kacey bleeding from her head to her shoulder)

Yuri quick grab a gun and start shooting .

Okay *shoots Kacey 1000 times and everyone from the company 60 times *

(Yuri gets shot 50 times)

Yuri wake up please wake up .

(Yuri got shot and was sent to the hospital)

(The A.N.T company was sentenced to jail for life)

(Nanno helps yuri mom to the hospital)

*yuri killed Kacey in the hospital with the gun*

(Few hours later yuri was pronounced dead)


Yes Mom?

Where's yuri

She gone they took her away from me .

(Yuri mom and nanno starts crying)

‼️⚠️ in case yall didn't know that's not Nanno real mom that's yuri mom but she lets Nanno call her mom ‼️⚠️

(Few years later)

Mom I miss yuri so much I can't even stop thinking about her.

I know baby I miss my little girl too she didn't deserve to die.

Yeah she didn't deserve to I feel like it's my fault.

Baby it's not your fault you didn't want her dead those evil people wanted her dead and they got their wish.

I'm just glad she killed Kacey before she died.

Yeah me too because if she didn't I would've done it myself.

(Nanno and yuri mom starts laughing)

*Nanno hugs yuri mom*

What was that for?

For being part of my life yuri wanted us to get along and we did.

Yep we make a good team.


To be continued.

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