• CHAPTER 19 •

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"what the fuck is love with no pain, no suffer?"


Jungkook felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to see His dad, groaning he clenched his jaw. His father eyed Y/n up and down. Making her uncomfortable. Which didn't go unnoticed by Jeon.

"Welcome welcome." He said. As Mr Kim nodded. "Thank you for Having us Sir, oh! This is my daughter Kim Y/n" he said. As y/n  smiled, extending her hand. Which was rejected by Jungkook's dad. Leaving her confused. Before she could take it back.

Another hand grabbed hers. Before placing a soft kiss on it.

"It truly is a pleasure to meet her."

Hari stared from across the table, watching as Taehyung talked with one of her father's friends. Who was in the business world. And must be his age. They were both at the bar. And honestly. It pissed her off.

The Jeon Bloodline.

He was smiling, she hated it. Squeezing the cup she had in her hand. She slammed it on the table. Walking towards them.

She got in between them. Making Taehyung and the girl in shock. Ordering a wine, she turned around, immediately bumping into the woman on purpose. Marking her white outfit.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you" she said, mockery in her voice, before she turned around to face Taehyung. As he looked down at her. She glared at him before walking away. He scoffed. Drinking his whiskey up.

Pov: Jeon Jungkook 🖤

Shes driving me insane. I fucking hate it. It's fucking 100° in here. It's so hot. I don't get it.

What am I saying at this point? Leaning back in my chair, I drank more whiskey. I'm 21. It's legal. Even if it's illegal. I don't give a fuck. My life is illegal.

I felt someone sit beside me and I looked at that person, it was chaeyoung. Looking away. I kept my eyes on y/n as I heard her laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked her. As she smiled. "It's so funny that your so in love." She said, making my heart hurt a bit. I didn't want to hurt her.  She was just like me in a situation she didn't want to be in.

"I get you. I had to break up with my boyfriend too." She said, looking at her lap.

"Then say no." I told her. As she shook her head. "Appa would kill me." She said laughing, drinking her champagne, making me laugh.

"Don't worry you'll be free soon, I'll figure out a way" i told her. I honestly see her as a little sister. Pain was visible in her eyes, as I sighed, turning my head. To find, Y/n and Han dancing and laughing.

I stood up.

That's it.

Pov: Kim Y/n 🩰

I looked at them across the hall. Guess he's bonding with his future wife huh? That's it Jeon. Fuck you.

I walked up to Han. As I asked him to dance which he willingly agreed. Dancing with him. I laughed louder to the stupid jokes he made.

Suddenly I felt someone pull me towards them. Just for my chest to be bumped with Jungkooks.

This asshole.

"What are you doing y/n?" He asked, his grip tightening on my waist. As I tried to push him. "Why aren't you bonding with your future wife?!" I whisper yelled.

He laughed at my line. As if it was a Joke. I. Looked at him, as he connected out foreheads. "I had to break my fucking phone so I wouldn't talk to you. Locked away everything else just because I didn't want to talk to you. Cause I fucking knew. I would fall in love all over again" he said. As a tear slipped from my eye.

Trying to push him away. Cause I knew I was going to burst. He held me tighter. "I'm gonna get you back flower. And I'm gonna fucking claim you as mine. Infront of everyone. And if any asshole tries to take you away from me. Even if it's my fucking father. I'll kill them" he said. His voice deep. And intimidating. Which meant. He meant. Every word he said.

"Your fucking mine Kim Y/n. And I'll fucking prove it." He said. As I finally managed to walk away from him. I heard him laugh.

Fucking maniac.
(She liked it.)


Until next time ~
-Ava <3

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