• BONUS ~ 2 •

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"she's the most beautiful woman in my eyes"

Pov: Kim Y/n 🩰
I sighed looking at myself in the mirror, before I smiled and caressed my baby bump. I couldn't even believe i was 7 months pregnant. With a  beautiful baby girl.

The feeling is surreal. There was a time where I never thought I would see myself like this but here I was.

I smiled, putting the clip on my hair, until i felt myself being lifted off my feet gently.

"Hey princess" jungkook said, kissing my cheeks and taking me downstairs as I smiled at him. "Hey handsome, back so early?" I asked. As he chuckled. "Is it bad to miss my wife?" He said, before placing me in the couch.

Jungkook has become more gentle and more caring, ever since the pregnancy, not that he already wasnt. I stared at him, as he massaged my feet, before placing the socks on me.

I smiled, watching him, I've never been so in love with a man. Hell he was the first man I've ever loved.

He looked up at me. "Good?" He asked with a thumbs up, as I nodded, smiling.

"Do you remember what today is?" I asked, him making him stop. His back stiffening.

He did remember right?

Pov: Jeon Jungkook 🖤
Oh crap shit crap. What was today? Fuck. Birthday? No. Anniversary? Not really. Day we met? No. Honeymoon? What am I saying?
IS THE BABY COMING- I'm losing my mind.

I turned around. With a smile on my face. "Ofcourse i know what day it is today" i laughed nervously, as y/n smiled. "Great! I'll see you in the evening then?" She said, giving me a kiss on the cheek, and turning on the tv.

I backward walked my way out of the room, dialing Jimin hyungs number "HYUNG HYUNG WHAT THE HELL IS TODAY?!?" "What do you mean-" he asked, only making me more nervous.

"HYUNG. Y/n asked me if I remembered what today was. IDK WHAT IT IS. IM FREAKING OUT." I said, pacing around the room like a maniac.

I don't want y/n upset, that's the last thing I want, she's carrying our baby, and i can't make her sad. Taking a deep breathe. I took a chance.

I ran out of the house, without her noticing.

Walking upto the flower shop.
I smiled at the old lady at the counter, the floral scent feeding my soul. I smiled cause it reminded me of her.

I looked around, until I spotted a few tiger lillies. I asked for them, taking out my wallet. To pay the old lady.

She managed to put in a few white roses and gypsies as well, because ofcourse i asked.I told her to put them in a light pink bouquet, that reminded me of y/n.

She smiled, while handing me the bouquet
"warmth, and confidence. Along with eternal love, you must really love her huh?" She asked, making a smile appear instantly on my face.

"More than my life" i said, as she giggled, handing me the bouquet, "men like you are very hard to find son, my husband was like you, brave, young and handsome. And he loved me dearly, he loved flowers and that's why I'm here" she explained.

I smiled at her heartfelt memories. Before handing her the payment. And a little extra with it. She laughed, "your a good young man. Bring your lady over sometimes" she said, making me smile.

Hurrying out of the store, bouquet in hand. I went to the gift shop, quickly buying a few minutes items that i felt like y/n would love. Earrings, necklaces, matching bracelets for us. God. I feel like a teenager.

She makes me feel like a teenager.
I'm not complaining.

Grabbing the paper bag, i took a deep breathe. I also bought food she's been craving for a while now, standing infront of the door. I took a deep breathe, holding everything in my hands.

I rang the doorbell. And the it swung open. "Princess I'm so sorry I don't remember what today is but I bought all of your favourite stuff and I just love you-" I stopped finally observing my surroundings.

My parents, her parents, Taehyung, Hari. Sitting around, having tea and biscuits, looks like they were here for dinner-

Oh shit. Yeah-
Pov: Kim Y/n 🩰

I bursted out laughing, looking at everything, oh man this man really knows how to get me the feels. And I'm so in love with him.

I smiled, pulling him inside. "Honey, honey today's your birthday baby, happy birthday sweetheart" i said, hugging him and laughing, he just looked at me all surprised and then looked at Jimin, who was controlling his laughter.

He himself then bursted out laughing, looking at all the stuff, he pulled me hugging me tightly, "oh god I was so scared sweetheart" he said. As I sighed.

Taking the stuff from his hand. "Today. Is not about me alright?" "Baby-"
"No. Not about me. About you." I said, kissing his forehead. "Thank you for the flowers, Mr Jeon, but now it's time for you to cut your birthday cake!" I said, earning cheers from everyone.

Y/n watched, as Jungkook put everything away, slowly walking upto him, she backhugged him, resting her face on his back. As he smiled.

"Ya know what I love about you?" She asked, making him hum in response. "How you didn't think once of yourself and thought about me." She said, as he turned around. Leaning on the counter and pulling her closer.

"Your my responsibility, your my love. Your my princess, your my y/n. My whole life revolves around you." He said, cupping her cheeks. Giving them kisses. As she hugged him.

"Please think of yourself honey" she said, hugging him tighter.

"I love you y/n. I'll always think of you first" he said, kissing her forehead. Bringing tears in her eyes. As he kissed then away.

"I love you so much jungkook. My words aren't enough-" she said choking up in her tears. As she wiped them. "No tears with me baby." He said, kissing her.

"I'll always be here for you." She told him, as he smiled. "Forever and always."

"Now. Where's my birthday kiss?"
He asked, making her giggle.
💗: hieee, Thank you so much for all the support on this book, in honor of that, I decided to give y'all a bonus part, I hope it makes sense~ dnsmsmsms thank you so much once again!! Muah muah ~

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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