3. First Encounter

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The next morning Connor, Greg and Amaya walked together to school, chatting between themselves before the topic shifted to the prior night. "Remember last night? How in the world did people find out our secrets?" Greg asked. Just as Connor was about to speak, Cameron, a friend of theirs, walked beside them. "What secret?"

"AH!" The trio yelped at the scare. "Where did you come from?" Connor questioned, startled. "I was walking behind you guys and sort of overheard your chat there... Amyway, what's the secret?" "Secret? No secrets here, now can you leave us alone and stop eavedropping?" Amaya said hoping Cameron would stop his interrogation. Sadly, he didn't get the whole 'leave us alone' part.

"Oh c'mon guys, you can tell me. We're friends right?" Cameron plead, but Connor and Amaya just gave him one of those looks seeming to say 'but we're not even friends' while Greg said "It's none of your business."

"Oh fine, tell me if you want. I'm going now, don't wanna be late." Cameron decided to fall back, starting running into the school building. The trio sighed aloud. "Thank goodnesss that Cameron left. Imagine of he found out our secret, we're doomed for life." Amaya said, once again sighing. Little did they know that their interlocutor's curiosity never ceased.

That night was yet another night in the city, and our heroes once again transformed into the guardians of the night. Connor donned his Catboy agility, Greg his Gekko physicallity and Amaya her Owlette aerodynamy.

"The PJ Masks!"

The momenty they got into the HQ they saw the future versions of them, inside the dome by the picture player, monitoring the city and keeping tabs on a moving statistic. "I almost forgot they were here." Owlette breathed.

F.Romeo was tapping at the Picture Player's controls, only glancing back to respond. "How could you? I'm not that easy to forget." He exclaimed, his usual ego emerging.

A hole opened in the energy dome granting the trio entry. "'Surprised this place is still as clean as it is. Any sign of this 'Batman' villain?" Catboy asked, getting a denial from F.Luna Girl.

"We could go around the city in person." F.Night Ninja suggested, to which everyone seemed to agree with. "By the way, we never got your and Luna Girl's names." Gekko questioned. "It's better if you don't." They both replied.

The PJs took a look at their future counterparts but to their surprise, their out clothing turned into protective suits. F.Connor zipped his jacket up and wrapped his wrists in post-glowing Cat Stripes as blue boots of alloy covered his legs from knees down. F.Greg donned & zipped his as a right shoulder pad of metal alongside greyish green gauntlets with golden accents formed on the sleeves. F.Amaya's formerly loose hoodie had a red handgun form on each 2 pockets.

Everyone entered their respective vehicles, Catboy and F.Connor took the racing tumbler Cat Car, the fliers took the jet-like Owl Glider, the camouflagers in sub-tank Gekko Mobiles, F.Night Ninja and F.Romeo took the motorcycles while F.Luna Girl took her Luna Board, which was now a surfing board.

F.Connor leaped out of the Cat Car to zip through the alleyways, leaving Catboy driving the car asking "So let's recall. A vigilante named Batman wants to kill us in the future. Is that right?" over the comms

F.Romeo stopped on the road to adjust his helmet, respond. "He grew up a hateful kid. A bad tempered, sharp,-"

"-And bit cold despite being a few girls' topic." F.Night Ninja added, cutting F,Romeo off as he drove by.

The Gekko Mobile rode atop the roofs, Gekko asking. "Why? What did we do?" F.Greg replied "More like 'What we didn't do."

F.Amaya was piloting the Owl Glider across the city, replying "He's been saying that we killed his parents. But where, when, and why?" Owlette ceased her Owl Eyes, turning to her future self. "Have you guys killed anyone?" "No Owlette,... Not yet..." F.Connor replied through the comms.

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