7. Battle At The Museum

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Disclaimer: Pls do not take this story as another filler/for-fun fanfic, a character meets future counterpart story mixed with a crossover story. The story is yes, a time travel  story but with progressive plot I might say, and I changed the villain to be Batman but bad as a twist. Readers might overlook this if you/they read his lines with Kevin Conroy's famous Batman voice or imagine him with his Batman's moves so pls imagine Batman in this universe with a different voice and fighting styles.

Civilians on the street walked their normal lives, towards their homes as the sun was about to set. That norm was staggered for the first time as the PJJ Masks raced past and across them through the road. Owlette flew over the cars while Catboy zipzag-ged them bringing Gekko with him.

Upon arriving at the gate to the museum they witnessed the future counterparts defeated. Not necessarily beaten, but trapped and stunned. They realized sometime ago that Batman only aimed to subdue the future counterparts. His objective was them, the present selves.

They saw facing them was F.Romeo on the ground by the fountain, had approaching him was Batman, standing with curled fists.

"Stop intervening.." Batman said with stern voice. 

"Urgh, I'll never,... You can't make me.." F.Romeo replied grunting.

"Is that a challenge." Batman said, almost mockingly asking. He punched his palm, his hands as well as his power lines glowed up.

The PJ Masks' eyes widen witnessing the situation, each preparing to fire their respective projectiles. They didn't know if they would be quick enough. Catboy prepared to threw his conjoined Cat Stripes like a whip at Batman's hand, yet they needed something with greater speed...


"Can you fire lightning?" Owlette suddenly asked amid their chilling on the grass by the outer side of the moat at the park, just the two of them as Gekko had some stuffs to do. Catboy looked at her questioningly. "Lightning?"

"I'm suddenly reminded of todays Physics period. Listen, you can generate electricity and charge up machines when you rub your palms together super fast, like you did PJJ Robot before." Owlette explained as she rubbed her palms as a gesture.

Catboy thought for a moment as he played with the grass. He held a blade of it, supplying a quick electric current between it and his fingers. I mean, frictions generate electric charges and lightning bolts are really just the products of clashes between those charges." He said.

"So theoretically you can fire a lightning bolt if you cross your hands together." 

They stood up and faced the forests sparse trees. Catboy took a breath to prepare himself. He brought his palms up and rubbed them together as his powers infused them, electricity accumulated down his arms before spreading them and reattaching them afterwards. "AARH!!" A quick burst of blue sparks blasted Catboy backwards onto the grass, thankful the impact was not bad.

Owlette knelt to help him up. "Catboy!" "You can do this I know it. Try again."

Her supportive nature got to Catboy, his brows lowered and knit together in confidence. They stood up and rubbed his palms together again.

(Flashback Ends)

The present Catboy immediately rubbed his palms together at super speed. Owlette and Gekko noticed the action but was confused what he was doing. He extended his arms and crossed his fingers together. 

A blue lightning bolt fired outwards from his hands, hitting Batman on his back in a fraction of a second and sending him flying off F.Romeo with a pained yell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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