Chapter 1

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You were a wanderer, wandering around the universes, scouring through worlds. Why? Well, you thought it'd be fun to do it, so that's where you are now.

Your next location was Jarilo-VI. You were intrigued by the world covered mostly by ice. You landed near of a place of what it's called Outlying Snow Plains.

You landed and saw a guy with blue hair running away from something before diving and hiding himself in a snow pile.

Y/N: Huh, weird. Wonder what that guy's running from.

You walked a bit before encountering three people, a girl with pink hair, a guy with black hair and another girl with gray hair.

Y/N: What's next? Green hair? And is it going to be a guy with a katana that's also a certain hunter? And I bet it's a pirate hunter!..or, something..

Ahhh, uhh...moving on. The girl with pink hair comes up first and speaks.

???: Hello! What are you doing out here alone?

Y/N: I could've asked the same thing but here I am. Well, not really. I actually just came here after wandering around through worlds.

???: Really? We also do that too!

Huh, sick. There's other people coming here too. Is this a tourist attraction place? Or, not tourist, well...

3rd Person POV
Y/N made a thinking pose and some random calculations start popping on his head like 🤔. The three are just dumbfounded as this Y/N is.

March: Anyway, my name is March 7th! This guy's name is Dan Heng, and this girl's name is Stelle! What's your name?

At this moment, it's your time to shine.

Y/N: really want to know?! BECAUSE I, AM DIO!!!


Y/N: Name's Y/N. I'm a wanderer, as you can see. Perhaps we could travel this place together?

Dan Heng: Hold on, how do we know that you're actually a wanderer?

Y/N: It's called trust for a reason now come on, there's a story we got to continue.

March 7th: Huh?

Y/N: Huh? Ah right, I remember seeing a person hiding in a snow pile earlier. Dunno why.

The four of you decided to approach near the snow pile of where a guy was hiding in it.

March 7th: ....Hey, get out of there or you'll shiver to death.

Silence. Just like how silent it is when we make a joke. Shit hurts.

March 7th: Holding your breath won't help..

Dan Heng: I got this March. If someone got their head stuck in sand, or snow in this case...they just need a helping hand.

Dan Heng dragged the shit out of the man hiding in the snow.

???: Yeowch! My fine fellow, was that really necessary? Is crawling around in the snow a crime these days? I mean, c'mon, surely it doesn't warrant a spearing?

The two just looked at him. Meanwhile Y/N and Stelle was playing a staring contest.

Y/N: Why don't you speak?

Stelle: ...

Y/N: ...say something if you can speak.

Stelle: Something.

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