Chapter 2

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The 5 and the guards arrived at Administrative District.

March 7th: Hey, it feels like it  got a bit warmer here!

Gepard: ...That's because you're in Belobog, the last bastion of humanity.

Stelle: Aww..

Y/N: Another time Stelle, another time.

Gepard: Seven hundred years ago, monsters from beyond the sky set the world ablaze. The land was turned to scorched earth, with raging infernos and billowing towers of smoke stretching beyond the horizon.

Y/N : *The Antimatter Legion..I feel like a lot of those invaded some of the world I went to. I wonder what's causing all this.*

Gepard: In the midst of the conflict, the Eternal Freeze descended without warning. Suddenly, sweeping winds brought blizzards which buried the invading Legion. Belobog was all that remained. The steadfast Architects built this city. Under the protection of Qlipoth the Preservation, Belobog remains forever warm in the face of unrelenting cold.

Y/N: Ahh, sorry to interrupt but, any food stalls here? Man's gotta eat. I haven't really ate anything since I got here.

Gepard and the rest looked at Y/N.

Gepard: ...You think I would let you go?

Y/N: Come on man, fighting aside, food is important, food is life..




Y/N: Screw you.

The 4 followed Gepard as they slowly walk.

Dan Heng: We saw strange creatures outside the city.. They must have come from a tear in corroded space. A Fragmentum, correct?

Gepard: How do you.... That's right. Out there in the blizzard, there are still many threats... including the monsters you saw. The Silvermane Guards are continuously engaged with the enemy, but I'm afraid the situation is bleak...

Gepard: After your meet with the supreme guardian, I would like to consult you on this matter. sigh We're lacking in intel.

Stelle: Y/N, I've got a candy bar with me. Do you want it?

Y/N: Where the hell did you get that?

Stelle: I dunno. I just had it with me.

Y/N: Thanks.

And then, Y/N's hunger bar went up. It wasn't much, but at least it's something. For a second there, Stelle blushed at Y/N and thought it's quite cute at how Y/N was eating.

Gepard: We're here. This is Qlipoth Fort, the heart of Belobog and headquarters of the Architects.

Stelle: The Architects?

Gepard: The saviors of humanity. Long before the arrival of the Eternal Freeze, the Architects braved the doubts and derision of the people, never wavering from their constructions of its defenses.

Gepard: History has proven that their decision was the correct one. The Architects named this fortress after Qlipoth, Aeon of Preservation. Under their direction, humanity has withstood external enemy attacks and held off the Eternal Freeze.

Gepard: Even today, we resist the Fragmentum's corrosion.


Gepard has took the 4 of you to see Madam Cocolia. On the way there, you learned that the 3 of them were Trailblazers and their mission here is to find some kind of "Stellaron". You may have heard of that before somewhere..

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